Look at us gamers, Sat here with a clearly rushed and unfinished product that we payed good money for ( Well I did, don't know if you guys aquired yours by other means ) Begging the Developers to fix the game that shouldn't of been shipped in this state in the first place and gaining little to no progress on the matter what so ever.
I find this pathetic, Is games being finished on shipment a thing of the past?
Gaming isn't getting any cheaper, which would be fine if the quality of the products kept progressing, but it seems that they are trying to get away with as little work as possible on shipment then continuining the development of the game through patches.
Don't developers strive to make just a fricking Good game that is finished anymore? Or is it all in the marketing and the Hype and if the game is crap it doesn't matter.
Do you think Patches are a good thing? Do you think Patches should be removed completely? or do you think that they should be limited to 3 per game. Or Microsoft should charge a horrendous amount of money for them to discourage multi-patches. ( Microsoft would agree with that one no doubt ).