Little update on my situation.
I pretty much deactivated everything. Then I created a .txt in which I'm keeping a journal of what I install when, about how much playing I do at each additional step in adding mods one by one, what game functions I perform (e.g., used F4, used Esc-Save, used Shift- and Ctrl- in TQP, etc.).
One thing different from my past efforts. After activating a mod in OBMM, I then run BOSS (not new) and then also run TES4Edit. I'm not sure if just running helps in anyway, but anyway that is what I have been doing. I'm not really looking at conflicts and then doing anything (don't see any reds, though I'm not exhaustively going through every sub-entry).
So far, I've reinstalled the following load order, and have had no more problems apart from a couple spontaneous CTDs from going into the Map (F4) window while I was wrapping up the Unfriendly Competition Quest (must've been the quest markers were slow in updating, cause no problems since).
Spoiler Oblivion.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Enhanced Economy.esp
Thieves Arsenal.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Bag of Holding.esp
Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp
Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodiil + SI.esp
Let There Be Darkness - Knights.esp
So from the set I have created as OMODs and which I would ideally like to be able to use I have yet to install:
Map Marker Overhaul
Alchemy Advanced
Spell Delete & Item Remove
MD Saddle Bags
HungryThirstySleepyTired 1.0
The Lost Spires
The only one of those whose functionality I deem to be very important for me is the HungryThirstySleepyTired.
Without a mechanism to force me not to run all the time, to eat and sleep and drink, I just go into superhero-mode and roleplaying is out the door. I knew this from playing FO3, and noticing how much of an improvement a Basic Needs mod made for me with that game.
However, since the game is now running well, I'm going to hold off a bit and see if I can figure out an alternative to Tyler's mod. I think I will start a thread that specifically asks about this sort of mod; my searches on TES Nexus make me think the Tyler mod is the most up-to-date and best one available.