Ok everyone thanks for looking,here's my current ENBlocal:
Ok everyone thanks for looking,here's my current ENBlocal:
Your settings show 'VideoMemorySizeMb=0' At the very least this needs to be 1024
ReservedMemorySizeMb= // 256 or 128 if you have less than 3GB VRAM
VideoMemorySizeMb= // Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048 / 2) , max value: 10240
You might want to post your load order as this could be an issue with incompatibility or conflicts Mods
All right i dont know how to post a load order behind a spoiler tag but i did the best i could with copying/pasting from LOOT:
ReservedMemorySizeMb= 128 should be sufficient
VideoMemorySizeMb=1024 try this first
Try this second and see if it helps
A detailed walk-through of the formula
GB = 1024MB
1. '(1024 MB) VRAM + (8192 MB) RRAM = 9216MB'
2. '9216 MB - 2048 MB = 7168 MB'
3. '7168 divided by 2 = 3584 MB'
See if either these values brings better stability to your game 3584 or 1024 for VideoMemorySizeMb=
My ENBlocal is almost identical to yours except the first line and all works fine. Only thing that is different is the first entry under [PROXY]
Well i used the settings you suggested and i did a lil test run and so far everything seems to be working great
I just played for 1 hour to 2 hours and it ran great..i really want to say thank you for taking the time to help me out.
I have an AMD 6870 card with 1gb memory, so my setup should be equivalent to yours. One bit of advice I've followed for AMD cards, that I found on the ENB site, is to have this section thus:
Oh man i tried that and i wasnt to happy with the way it looked..thanks anyways
You're very welcome! I really appreciate the fact that you stop to say thanks. Enjoy your game!
well its been a bit and ive been playing now and im happy to say ive not had 1 crash..this is so cool man ..thanks.