Seems kind of silly..

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:53 am

You would think that them forcing everyone to register on this damn site that they would use that opportunity to take control of the game and ban players who are obviously abusing their fanbase, or what is left of it. Yet, we have someone named CrytekProgrammer virtually spitting in their faces and they sit and do nothing. One would think that it would be incredibly easy to ban account on your own website, but perhaps the issue is that if they ban one hacker, they have to go out and seek the others?

It's sad to see a boutique-like developer such as Crytek get stomped on, but it seems as though the initial $60 purchase was enough and now they are done with us. I wonder if they'll even bother releasing DLC for the PC platform or if they'll just consider the project dead and incapable of yielding anymore revenue.

I know aimbots are incredibly difficult to keep out of a game, that much is clear considering how they work, but I thought Crytek would act like a developer that actually has the goal of innovating the FPS and setting the bar for the competition. The holes in the beginning with the XML files were straight bush league, and showed what kind of experience we were in store for.

To be fair, the bigger culprit is most likely EA as they hold the financing to the project and ultimately make the final decisions on what work can and should be done for the game, but I don't know, I just expected more.

All right I'm done ranting, I guess I'll try to play again.

PS - I love how people still sit on a server with a botter and get farmed instead of quitting.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:46 pm

do you really want to buy DLC for crysis 2 on PC if it gets released? they shouldnt even be considering it until they FIX THE FRIGGIN GAME
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:03 am

do you really want to buy DLC for crysis 2 on PC if it gets released? they shouldnt even be considering it until they FIX THE FRIGGIN GAME

Well that's my point, I don't think anyone would buy a DLC pack for this game as it seems pretty stupid at this point.

We have to consider the validity of those reviews as well, and where they must have come from. How can these sites have rated the game so highly at the time they were writing these reviews? The multiplayer problems alone at release were enough to destroy all replayability and thus wreck its value. At 60 dollars, one would think this game would be superior to what we've been used to. The problem Crytek faces is now their reputation is ruined for the PC market and while we can live without anymore Crytek titles, people won't stop buying from EA as it's too big of a publisher. We'll see how EA treats DICE's BF3.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:07 pm

Hi There!!!!
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:44 am

They sit and do nothing? Lmao, that's where you are wrong silly stupid OP.

JUST BECAUSE there isn't 24/7 video surveillance on Crytek's studio for the public to watch does not mean Crytek isn't doing anything. They are DOING PLENTY lol. Clearly though, they are humans, and have certain hours and days to work per week.

Common sense really. Would you like some?
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:15 am

You are so stupid man, were you also payed to defend them???? dont come up to me and call me a fail when you are an epic fail yourself at life dumb f u c k.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:45 am

They sit and do nothing? Lmao, that's where you are wrong silly stupid OP.

JUST BECAUSE there isn't 24/7 video surveillance on Crytek's studio for the public to watch does not mean Crytek isn't doing anything. They are DOING PLENTY lol. Clearly though, they are humans, and have certain hours and days to work per week.

Common sense really. Would you like some?

Ha, buddy. So you're stating that because we can't view them, they are doing something. You're talking to me about common sense? Spaghetti monster much?

What do you think they are doing right now? How do you know?

Your post has 0 substance to it yet you still feel you can call others stupid. I'm sure Crytek appreciates you volunteering as their spokesperson.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:19 am

I ran into that hacker too. And it's pretty laughable that he's still allowed to play the game. He's flaunting the fact that he didn't buy the game and can still play online. That's the worst part, these guys don't care if they get banned or have their profiles reset because they didn't buy the game to begin with. They'll just use a key generator and get another key and be right back online.

What a joke.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:58 am

I ran into that hacker too. And it's pretty laughable that he's still allowed to play the game. He's flaunting the fact that he didn't buy the game and can still play online. That's the worst part, these guys don't care if they get banned or have their profiles reset because they didn't buy the game to begin with. They'll just use a key generator and get another key and be right back online.

What a joke.

I didn't realize he was also pirating the game. I thought they had fixed that issue.
So banning him would have little effect, I guess. I mean, he does seem to be trying to level up the account, though, probably to prove that he could get to 50 without any repercussions.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:48 am

I just think it's wrong to say they don't care. It had to be a labor of love for the devs. We can't expect a game that took thousands of hours of labor to be easy to fix over night. I do think they should start playing MP with us so that they can experience the problems themselves. They might be already. We have no idea what they are doing behind closed doors. Admittedly, it helps to leave some updated info for the community, though Adam and Tom get flamed every time they do.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:52 am

Well I don't know if he's pirating it or not, I just assumed he was. Who would hack in a game they paid $60 for? I didn't know if they fixed that or not.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:34 am

Yeah, I got no complaints except for these degenerate hackers " crytek programmer" and " tinkerbellfuguup" and " DGI andrew 00000"

kick vote / server admin kick and ban their serial , IP that's pretty much I am asking.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:37 pm

I ran into that hacker too. And it's pretty laughable that he's still allowed to play the game. He's flaunting the fact that he didn't buy the game and can still play online. That's the worst part, these guys don't care if they get banned or have their profiles reset because they didn't buy the game to begin with. They'll just use a key generator and get another key and be right back online.

What a joke.

Oh, he bought the game. Or he has access to legit serial keys. You can't play anymore without a legit serial. Believe me, I know. He also bought the hack.

Even LongPoke, who terrorized C1, had a ton of legit serials he had ripped off of people and servers. You can't hack the verification.

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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:05 am

Nothing more pathetic than someone who pays to cheat in a game. He probably had it on release day and got owned because he svcks so he resorted to hacks.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 am

Yeah. So all the people that are cheating online right now, are not pirates. There are no pirates online, unless they are playing with ripped off legit serial keys.

All Crytek has to do, is ban their accounts and keys. WTF they don't, is beyond me.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:32 am

Yea, I've said before in another thread, the type of hackers we are dealing with at this point are the more pathetic ones who are willing to pay subscription fees in order to cheat in a game that they paid for. They literally pay 60 dollars and a sub fee to hold down the left mouse button for 100 hours or whatever it takes to get to level 50. It's really a shame, but the mentality that these people have is delusional and severely antisocial. Their can't even separate an earned win from one that is given to them by their hacks, so they feel like they are "winning" as Charlie Sheen puts it.

A game is meant to be played so hacking your way through it just guts it of the value. I guess I am preaching to the choir, though.

Wars, that is what I am saying. Although it may take a bit and be annoying for some intern, banning accounts that are obviously would at least deter hackers. It may even cause them to try to tone their hacking back, but then they are in a situation where they are working harder to hide the fact that they are hacking than they would be if they just played the game and gained some skill at it. We'll see what Crytek has planned, but I am skeptical. CrytekProgrammer has hacked his way into the 40's and doesn't seem to be slowing down. Truly an embarrassment.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:19 am

1) Pirates always find a way in, even if devs pour countless hours patching the game to oblivion

2) Although Crytek has control over gamesas, keep in mind the game also supports Gamespy/IGN credentials.

3) Hacking in itself is not bad, cheating is. Elder Scrolls 4; Oblivion is practically unplayable without hacks, if you ask me.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:25 am

1) Pirates always find a way in, even if devs pour countless hours patching the game to oblivion

2) Although Crytek has control over gamesas, keep in mind the game also supports Gamespy/IGN credentials.

3) Hacking in itself is not bad, cheating is. Elder Scrolls 4; Oblivion is practically unplayable without hacks, if you ask me.

1) I don't think pirating is an issue for multiplayer games. As far as I have seen, this is why VAC is actually effective. People don't want to buy the game again and thus refrain from hacking, otherwise they risk losing their ability to play any game featuring that engine.

2) It seems as though Crytek uses gamesas as a platform for authenticating the serial numbers, they could use this same service to deny access by serial code. The game's browser is powered by Gamespy, however, a gamespy login wouldn't allow you to play Crysis 2 online, not without the proper account from gamesas.

3) What people do in their own realm is their business. I didn't use hacks for Oblivion, but then again I have almost 150 hours played and I haven't really gotten close to beating it yet, I don't think. On a side note I did get all the expansions due to a Steam Sale, so maybe that is slowing me down. Basically my point is that you're right about hacking not necessarily being such a bad thing, however as soon as another player is involved somehow, it becomes a problem.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:16 am

I played the hell out of Oblivion. Then modded the hell out of it and played the hell out of it again (the game is amazing modded). It is why I will purchase Bethesda games. They allow you to do things like that which to me gives more value to their products.
Replayability is what I look for in a game. Crysis 2's replay ability is severly limited compared to Crysis 1. I won't touch multiplayer with a ten foot pole.
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