To be quite honest, I don't believe the writer meant actual hand-to-hand combat. I think he was referring to melee combat as a whole (some tend to switch them out interchangeably). I think hand-to-hand will still be in the game, but it's probably not going to get an overhaul like the other combat aspects.
Whilst I'm not saying they have removed Unarmed combat, the GI articles use of the term "hand to hand" simply refers to MELEE combat, not UNARMED combat...
I thought it would have been obvious given that the section was titled taking up the blade, and through out it they talk about swords, axes, maces and fail to mention any perks or actual combat mechanics associated with unarmed combat.
There probably will be unarmed combat, but its by no means confirmed in the article.
I just hope they go a step beyond just including unarmed combat, and they actually make it a viable option by ensuring it has perks, combo's and allowing enchants for fist slots equivalent to weapon enchants.