» Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm
An Oblivion movie would be fantastic, however, i fear very disappointing also. they just couldn't do justice to the depth of gameplay in a movie. It would have to be a 3 movie, 3 hours each, super epic, like LOTR.
Which char would they create to be the lead? Or would they do it like D&D where each of the 'Guilds' was represented by a char, drawring their destinies rapidly together for a multi char romp through the MQ.
It COULD work - but like as not, it wouldn't work. And once the screenplay writers started tinkering with it, the end result would be almost unrecognisable to hardcoe Oblivion gamers.
Case in point - a very sixy and slightly kinky, lady vampire called 'Bloodrayne' appeared a few years ago on PS2 and PC. It had its faults true, but the story lines of the two games released were interesting. She had some great combat moves, extreme acrobatics, big swords, big guns, and enemy stomping very high spike heels!!!! Sooooo, the game rights got bought up by German producer/director Ewe Boll and two low budget films got made. Maybe if you'd not enjoyed Raynes charms as a gamer, you'd think ok, the films are at least watchable, but to us gamers they were terrible and bore very little resemblence to the game char or what she normally did. Now, because the licence rights got bought up - no-one can go back and re-make those games as films (i.e. properly). What a shame. so, if Oblivion met the same fate at a low budget, low quality film makers hands - it really would become consigned to 'Oblivion' pretty quick.
If they DID do an Oblivion movie wouldn't it be great to have Sean Bean play Martin and Patrick Stewart as Uriel Septim - at least then the voices would be right lol...............