I came into this debate on one of my youtube videos with a mate the other day, we were expressing how the concept of self discovery is very bad in oblvion. You can find places of course but when your doing a quest, they tell you where it is and you obviously have to find it but its still indicated on your map. Where as in Morrowind it was so much harder to find places, you'd get very vague directions like 'go north then when you reach this place go south for a mile then you'll be there' and you have to struggle till you find it.
This can be taken one step further when its an item retrieval quest involving a cave in oblivion, they tell you where the cave is and mark it on your map, you get there and you enter. You look at your compass and you follow your way round to follow the green arrow to indicate where the item is (you've never seen this cave before, you've never seen the insides yet you know exactly where it is) , where as in TES 3 you don't get that which to me is much much better in every way, it makes the game longer and more challenging also increasing re-playability
Increasing game length by dikeing around is one of the worst ways of increasing game length. I've hidden a word on the internet, try to find it, I guarantee it's gonna be the longest game you'll ever play.
It's not challenging either it's fake challenge, it's time consuming and nothing else, vague descriptions are so annoying, it's basically saying, "first go here and then
get lucky.", you can be the smartest guy in the world, but you can't do [censored] because you can't magically get better descriptions. I hate things that just depend on luck, things where the difference between spending an hour searching for something, and spending 5 min. is luck.
EDIT: The green arrow was a little too much, but I think the issue is blown out of proportion, the arrow sometimes made it harder, it shows a direct route, and sometimes there isn't a direct route, and it will lead you in the wrong direction.