But the game is designed specifically to allow you to play how you want. If someone does this deliberately, Great! That's how they wanted to play. If you want to be a wandering lord of pain from the very beginning, you can do that. You level up those three skills, drop the difficulty to novice and run around without any trouble whatsoever. You're a damage sponge and a damage machine.
Why should Bethesda take that option away? That's what I do not understand. Many people claim the game is flawed or broken, simply because the game allows the player to become overpowered. I'll agree. They ARE overpowered. But that should be an option. This is an RPG and a Bethesda RPG, it's expected that you can do that.
I chose not to do that. When I realized that all of my equipment was enchanted and that I could no longer improve it, I did level it up so that I could improve it again. But I only brought smithing in line with the rest of my skills. Yeah, I gained two levels for it, but nothing was broken.
The game is designed so that everyone can see ALL of the content if they put the time into it. So if you've made your character a God, you won't find any more challenge.
But you play it how you want... "There's no wrong way, to play an Elder Scrolls".
TL:DR - it's not broken, it's how you choose to play. Min/Maxers will become Gods because that's how this game works.