Self Imposed Rules

Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:54 am

My current character:

- No Local Leader perks, no settlements (other than my personal home base).
- Pipe weapons only.
- No Gun Nuts, Armor, Blacksmith or Science perks. All weapon and armor mods are taken from loot.
- Only use healing items I cook myself. No stimpaks, no radaway, etc.
- Leather and raider armor only. Raider PA only.

Also using Loan Wanderer and the Idiot Savant perks for the first time. Like LW, using dog and carrying a lot. Not crazy about IS however. About the only time it kicks in is when I kill a radroach or something.

Well level 8 now and I can say it's different at least from my prior four play-throughs.

Wandering if anyone else does anything like this and how's it going?
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:29 pm

Yes, and I'm actually enjoying it.

Brotherhood of Steel loyalty

Unarmed only( Power Fist )

No armor, Brotherhood Fatigues & the Destroyer Helmet only.

No companions besides Danse

However, tbh I'm playing on normal because I'm pretty sure enemies will be able to nearly one shot kill me on the harder difficulties because of my low defensive ratings.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:55 am

The one cool thing about the new leveling system is that it really does allow you to limit your build.

On a lighter note pipe weapons only sounds like torture.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:49 am

I have been considering no Local Leader but for me no fast travel is mandatory because the adventure is always on the road, otherwise it gets too easy to follow the railroady plot and speed thru the replay.

No Local Leader is a tough price to pay if you cannot zip back to home easily since workshops will not be connected with caravans, it really is essential to a no Fast Travel game since most settlements are not supportable with enough local/nearby junk and walking across the map after every raid seams infeasible. Only if you truly are doing a no workshops at all, meaning only found gear, food and chems no crafting/mods at all. Maybe I will try in a future reroll.

What I am doing is using a d8 die to spend SPECIALs at the start. (An 8 is either a reroll or free choice). My last PC rolled 7 on CHA so I of course went for Local Leader so have not tried without it yet. While each SPECIAL is theoretically equal chance this does not actually make balanced SPECIALs - as that is only true with infinite rolls, with only 21 rolls you will get unbalanced PC which can force you into unique playstyles. The same idea could be done with Perk upgrades, roll for it.

I am also ignoring the compass that somehow finds nearby things my character cannot see. Only if an NPC puts it on my map or do I stumble upon it (usually because I am running away from skull level mobs) do I go there. No beeline to Vault 81 to buy Overseers guardian. I am also doing settlements this way, my PC does not know about Abernathy farm or the Ghouls tarberry bog, I wait until I hear NPC talk about it if I have not stumbled on it. This requires avoiding Preston - you still get radiants/defense missions though I think they seem more natural than coming from Preston.

I am really enjoying my no crafting perks rules, but that still requires workshop junk thus Local Leader for caravans, though I am considering breaking the rule for settlement upgrades as I did not realize some are perk locked. Taking the crafting table perks makes it way to easy to get OP weapons/armor before the NPC do, there is much more natural progression without them. I am still running around in spiky buttressed raider gear, it is actually better than the low level combat armour I am starting to find. I also leave any power armour I find for settlers, because no crafting means not being able to upgrade them.

The combination of these things adds improv to your roleplay, no elaborate backstory and PERK plan, what happens to you is random. Better matches the reality that your PC cannot be who they was before the freezer, as that experience changed you. Does your guy not roll STR/AGI, does your gal not roll INT/CHA? Then the freezer damaged them from being the soldier/lawyer they was. By saving the PC at Vault 111 exit redo it even makes plot sense that your SPECIAL is defined after the freezer.

The problem with no Stimpaks is whenever you get wounded, not only are they immediately crippling leading to likely death because you can barely move - these wounds stay with you. Look at your body part stats they each have their own wounds bar. OK if you are doing permawound as a variant of permadeath, but maybe not OK if you did not realize that happens! I am finding on Survival mode explosives are very crippling if not deadly, so not sure no Stimpaks would work out well. The main advantage of Survival is the very slow healing, this does change your combat strategy a lot, especially when you meet poison bugs because you cannot heal fast enough! I do encourage survival though if you want a challenge, bullet sponge enemies is easily RP as you hitting them with non deadly flesh wounds or armor glances while their druggy/rad state allows them to shrug it off - after all D&D works the same way with OP HP on NPC. Normal is way to easy for mowing down mobs even with perk nerfs.

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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:24 am

No night travel. There be monsters at night here.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:51 pm

i don't have limits but i have cheats

- player.modav maxcarryweight 10000 ( i cannot play without this and walk around with around 7 tons of equipment )

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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:11 am

I started another character the other day. I haven't finished the game yet, but didn't really give much thought on the first character I made, and got tired of it around level 22.

This time I decided to put some restrictions on the stats. I'm playing a charismatic genius. So far at level 10, my (base) stats are:

S 1

P 4

E 1

C 9

I 10

A 4

L 1

The restrictions are:

1. Strength, endurance, and luck will remain at '1' the entire playthrough.

2. Charisma and Intelligence started at 9, and can go to 10

3. Perception and Agility can only increase to a base value of 5 (with bobbleheads if I find them).

4. For restrictions 1 and 3 - Temporary boosts through chems or armor buffs are allowed.


1. no Armorer perks because of STR restriction, but ok to improve armors up to ability.

2. Gun Nut and Science! - go for it.

3. Get Preston and crew setup in Sanctuary and then ignore them for the rest of the game.


1. PA only on special occasions - Glowing Sea, for example. And any follower has to be wearing it too.

So far it's been fun and definitely different. One grenade or mine and its been curtains several times :) I have just one stimpak in my inventory at the moment. I've become very familiar with Nerd Rage.

Instead of following the main quest right off the bat, I made a beeline for Cait (well, there's always distractions along the way). That was quite a challenge, and I was level 10 by the time I was able to reach her. You really level up fast with high INT, but it's been fun.
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:52 pm

Rolling a character? Dang, reminds me of the old D&D days.

I'm setting up a home base at RR since it has all the work benches and without Local Leader I'd not be able to make any. No settlers. Period.

Using pipe guns only isn't too bad. I can still use most the ammo types with different receivers and such. I'm also playing on Normal as I'd rather use this kind of play style to up the difficulty than raise it in game. Just turning enemies into bullet sponges doesn't make a game more fun to me.

My biggest issue is radiation since I don't use any Stempaks or Radaways. I've had use a doctor twice to remove it and now I'm making a drink that can remove it. Also being crippled is a problem sometimes but I hadn't realized that FO4 lets you just 'walk it off' and the cripple state goes away without using a Stimpak.
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