ill do whatever the game lets me do. cant help it :sadvaultboy: well only exception is perhaps not to fast travel to towns i havent visited before. i hope youre not able to do this by default though. and i wont use the internet as help for quests and such.
Hey man, do you know the video title of your avatar pic? Reme,ber watching that ages ago, but don't know it's tag name or whatever.
My only real "rule" is going to be to read every (new) book I come across. I don't use fast travel unless I'm moving all my stuff from one place to another (can't be bothered traipsing through multiple trips), so I don't really see that as a "rule", as I don't find it hard to keep.If there's a hardcoe/survival mode I'll use it, otherwise I can never get myself into eating and drinking regularly, as I forget. Do tend to sleep if I come across a place to do so and it's getting late though.
For Wulfrik the Bloody1) No small weapons2) No magic3) Only use axes or really large swords3) The option to kill will always be taken4) Always go down the path that leads to more instability5) Heads will be collected6) Never side with magic users, for they're weak and pathetic7) Never side with those who indulge in pleasure, for they're the followers of Slaanesh.8) Side with the battle hungry, for they're the future followers of Khorne9) Mer are weak, despise them!
Fitting. That'll be one hardcoe destroyer of Skyrim. Alduin ain't gonna have anything to burn after you've been through.
Personally, I'm not adverse to reading UESP etc. provided I have given a quest 100% of my efforts, maybe tried some of the different options etc.
Keen to have a hardcoe mode, that would be great.
I like limiting the amount of item types you can carry, sounds appropriate.