OH yes! Good topic.
1. Like the others, no fast travel (not that I use it much anyways in OB).
2. NO map either! No map no map!
3. No compass. Looking back on it, the frickin' compass ruined my early Oblivion gaming experience, eschewing at least half the exploration factor. Instead of a compass, I will use shadows, the sun, the moon, and various landscape features to figure out where I am and where to go next.
4. HUD will probably be OFF, unless i really svck with it off. :whistling: Once I get good at the game, it will certainly be off most of the time.
5. Limited amount of carry items (no 3 swords, 4 suits of armor like my early Oblivion was). D&D and other tabletop games had strict rules about how much each sort of character could safely carry (down to how many potions or how much food) and I will implement these rules, assuming Bethesda doesn't
6. Eat/drink roleplaying (although I'm getting the feeling Beth is going to implement this anyways).
7. Dead is DEAD. Only exception being if the game glitches somehow and my char dies as a consequence.
8. Hopefully, fatigue will be more fleshed out than it was in OB. If not, no marathon-style running, unless the character is free of extensive armor/weight and is supposed to be athletic.
9. No swimming with lots of carried weight.
10. No game music. Not that I ever use it in OB.
11. Spend "quality time' with my horses and other mounts.

Will not just treat them like the way I sometimes treat my crappy Tercel IRL.

.....I"ll think of more no doubt.