I know that this is kinda personal, but whatever, I guess... I have recently done some reflecting of myself and I have come to the conclusion that I am really just a fleck in the expanse of the world, but at the same time, I am extremely gleeful, as not meaning much also gives some relief to my own demons. Almost nothing I do in life will matter in the grand scale of things, but, perhaps they will matter in the lives of people around me. This is not much, but it is at least something for my very small amount of time in the universe. I struggled with depression ever since I hit puberty, but I think one specific incident affected me the most. After being dependent on my mother after breaking my arms, I felt worthless, ashamed and very much down in the dumps. It was terrible, I couldn't eat my favorite snack food anymore. I eventually came out of my depression though the support of my friends here when I joined the pony thread here on the community discussion and, for the most part, I am really good. I have had ups and downs, but I was really affected recently with my own struggle with who I am. After all, an eighteen year old doesn't really have it all figured out. I came out of it from some help from some subreddits on reddit, like /r/depression and such. I guess this is kinda rambly, but my point is that I now know that no matter how down I get, I will never really cause events that have much of an impact at all. I know now that I can only do my best, even when my best may not be that great.
So I say to you, forum-goers, I must tip my hat at you guys! This is not a thread to help me, no, I am fine myself. Instead, I want you to share your experiences with the demon in your subconscious that says you aren't good enough, and how you came over it, or are alternatively struggling with it.