[Idea] Self-reviving Undead Minions

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:33 pm

The only major downside I found for summoning hordes of skeletons (using various necromancy mods) is that more often than not they die easily.

That's to be expected, but find the process of creating new ones eventually becomes tedious, since there isn't usually a feature that allows you to easily revive a dead minion (I could be completely wrong, it's been awhile.)

I cannot remember what gave me the idea, but in a hypothetical scenario my idea would go like this;

You begin with three or so happy skeletal minions frolicking alongside you through the great fields and forests of Cyrodiil. While indulging deeply in all the golden pleasures nature does offer, a lone mudcrab scuttles up to you. You beam at the creature, showing your teeth (fangs) in a warm display of compassion.

The mudcrab swings at you with his hammer! You were able to playfully dodge his attack, but your minions were not. All three were destroyed!

Unable to intentionally kill another living being, you respond with a swift kick to the feelers. The mudcrab flies far off towards the horizon.

Upon landing, he is ravaged by hordes of zerglings. (He later dies)

Well I lost my point. To sum it up I was wondering if anyone with experience using the construction set and other tools would know...

If having your summoned minions (with a limit to the number) revive after combat has ended could possibly work? That way you can have your permanent minions, and keep them, and not have to have them be individually very powerful to be some help in combat (since they last and are excellent cannon fodder).

(Please excuse the oddness)
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Laura Samson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:33 pm

Sounds like what you want is a script effect spell...

It's been a while since I've done anything remotely script-related, but here's how I imagine what you want would work.

Spell itself:

float summon

getcount summon > 5
placeatpc "skeletonminion" 1, 1, 1
add summon 1

getcount summon = 5
message box "You have summoned too many minions."

Of course, that won't rez the skeletons, so on the skeletons you would need..

health = 0

None of what I placed in will probably work (i'm more familiar with Morrowind's than Oblivion's scripting) but it should give you an idea of what needs to be done.

Or I'm completely off the mark. In that case, disregard this post.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:11 pm

That does actually give me an idea of what it should look like. :)

I'm glad to see the end result won't necessarily have to be difficult and complex (in getting it to work). Thanks

I may have to start perusing through the cs wiki and make my first mod lol.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:00 pm

The only major downside I found for summoning hordes of skeletons (using various necromancy mods) is that more often than not they die easily.

That's to be expected, but find the process of creating new ones eventually becomes tedious, since there isn't usually a feature that allows you to easily revive a dead minion (I could be completely wrong, it's been awhile.)

I cannot remember what gave me the idea, but in a hypothetical scenario my idea would go like this;

You begin with three or so happy skeletal minions frolicking alongside you through the great fields and forests of Cyrodiil. While indulging deeply in all the golden pleasures nature does offer, a lone mudcrab scuttles up to you. You beam at the creature, showing your teeth (fangs) in a warm display of compassion.

The mudcrab swings at you with his hammer! You were able to playfully dodge his attack, but your minions were not. All three were destroyed!

Unable to intentionally kill another living being, you respond with a swift kick to the feelers. The mudcrab flies far off towards the horizon.

Upon landing, he is ravaged by hordes of zerglings. (He later dies)

Well I lost my point. To sum it up I was wondering if anyone with experience using the construction set and other tools would know...

If having your summoned minions (with a limit to the number) revive after combat has ended could possibly work? That way you can have your permanent minions, and keep them, and not have to have them be individually very powerful to be some help in combat (since they last and are excellent cannon fodder).

(Please excuse the oddness)

Hmm... You know the staff you get at the end of the mages guild story that reanimates things? Why not try making that into an area of effect spell? That way all of your minions come back, along with the enemies you killed.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:53 am

Hmmm, this sounds interesting. I would think for the fun of things make 3 skeletons named Larry, Moe, and Curley. Use a Quest script to track their life/death and use the end combat flag to determine when to resurrect them. With a quest script you could do some fun things too. When they die have them get svcked into the ground. When they resurrect have climb out of the ground. You would have to create some animations, but it could be quite fun. Of course sound effects for their funny antics would be good too. "Yuck , yuck, yuck!"
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