Hit detection? My 73 year old grandma can make a better one.
Maps? Let me ask you 1 question, is the map designer sick with some mental disease?
The maps are so bad that calling them **** is a god damn compliment.
Too closed, too many hallways, too many entrances to one place.
Armor abilities? here is where i seriously laugh out loud. Armor ability? Ok let me ask you guys? Are armors in your mind made of **** sponges? Bullets go through that **** so easily that throwing a god damn pillow at it would hurt the wearer.
Stealth? Ok what sort of a stupid dumbass turned around and said: "Hey! Super under qualified game designers, lets make the players name pop up in red when they are in stealth when the enemy points at them.
Its **** stealth! you dont make it so its so freaking easy to spot once you got your cursor over the god damn player.
Stealth should do what the name insists, be stealthy. I swear to god its easier to spot a stealthed person then a god damn american soldier in a german platoon having a **** in the middle.
Just for a bonus of the 2 abilities being so crap they made it so easy to kill someone without armor that a 5 year old baby playing an fps for the first time ever could come up with a kd of 3.5 if they were using armor and others not.
The first sniper. This is where I want to really laugh at crytek for being so god damn incompetent to follow call of duty. Ok tell me one thing, what is the first thing that pops into your head when you think sniper?
To me its range and **** POEWR! The only fps that did a good job with snipers is CS. 2 hits to kill a bloody guy with no armor? You have to be so absolutely retarded to do that, that your kids will hide the fact that their daddy who earns £50000 is actually their dad because they will be so embarrassed of the game. Crysis 1? freaking awesome, Crysis 2 a total disaster. On my list it goes like this.
1. WoW
2. CSS
3. Gothic 3
4. Crysis 2 singleplayer!
999999999. MW2
1000000000. Crysis 2 Multiplayer
If your are gonna make snipers so ****, at least make a good hit detection system for us and give us a god damn ghillie suite or something because anyone with glasses that are less then +100 will see me from the other end of the map.
I am so pissed of at this game because I always prided myself for being a crysis fanboy.
So anyway, any1 wanna buy a pc cysis 2 for £15? I can get a fresh key for you.