OK, first thing's first, I need an object, that, every 3 game hours, a spell is cast on the wearer, a message is displayed (the box that appears with an "OK" and you click it to make it dissapear and continue the game), and the object is switched with another and the second is equiped to the player while the first dissapeared.
Second object, the first spell is intact, and casts the same one every 3 hours, untill the player replaces it "OK option box" is displayed as each spell is cast (saying the same thing every time).
Then, after you replace the second item with one of the first, the whole thing is removed to start again. Also, in order to replace, you need to have 2 misc objects in your inventory that do nothing else.
I am also hopless with global scripts, so I'd like a global script that will keep the player from unequiping the object when a certain ability is active, and instantly adding many of the first object to the player's inventory, adding the item to most shops, and forcing one to be equiped to the player. I hope to achieve this through journal entry, and then another entry that will negate the script from the first, and disable the script from both objects.
I also do not have script extender, tribunal or bloodmoon