Semper Fi still broken

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:21 am

Alright, I'll keep going at this until it gets fixed.

Semper Fi or Die is still broken. Dear Cry Adam or Cry Tom, or whoever. Please try playing through Semper Fi or Die from the start using the right hand side of the keyboard (like any normal left-handed PC user who utilised the numberpad keys)

If you play that map and press any of the numberpad keys throughout, by the time you reach the levels concluding battle the game bugs. No NPC's spawn, friendly or enemy, and a scripted battle next to a downed helicopter does not commence.

My steam game, patched to 1.9, still has this issue. I've reinstalled it twice, and played through that map several times. It will only work if you do not use any of the numerical keys. Essentially alienating the entire left-handed gaming community (about 15%+).

It's really not acceptable this far after release. Please fix it already.

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Auguste Bartholdi
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