First of all, I pretty much made an account just to resolve this issue. Although I read through the privacy police,the terms and conditions of use, and other things in the Forum Rules and General Information thread, there may or may not be unspoken rules, social faux pas/blunders, or anything like that. I'm not even really sure whether or not this is even in the correct thread. Although not a software or hardware problem, this is definitely an "issue" that I have with the game, and has been plaguing me since I purchased the game on the PC about a month ago. I have about +500 hours on Skyrim on my PC, to the point where I have had to restart over and over again, and where the save-files had gotten so big that I would sometimes have framerate issues, and fast-travelling or loading screens took forever. Deciding that I had had enough, I decided to upgrade to the PC. With the strong modding community, the Steam Workshop, and the improved graphics and whatnot, it seemed like a good idea. I started the game, and I was blown away. It looked so much better than the PS3 version. I rode into Helgen, changed configured my character, and, right after that, I got to work on configuring the game. You see, I never really liked the default controls for Bethesda games, but, because of the ability to completely configure them, even on Consoles, the game was even better than if the controls had just been satisfactory for me. So I started working until (Using an Xbox controller.), the controls were basically identical to the controls that I had set for the PS3 version (The buttons may be different, and their placement, but the controllers for the Xbox and PS3 are basically the same, so they're kind of interchangeable.). The only problem is that, although you could change the gameplay controls for the console version, the menu controls were set. This was actually okay for me, since the menu controls were basically the same as any other game, and that's a good thing. The only problem is that this is not the case for the PC version, where the menu controls are apparently set to actions (Like "activate" or sneak.). Now it's chaos. I can play like I've always enjoyed, fighting dragons, exploding chickens, making guards jealous about my functioning knees, but when I want to barter or loot... It's impossible. Most of the time, I don't even know the right controls for the menu anymore. I was so surprised at this problem, because neither Fallout 3 nor New Vegas had this problem. So I went to Bethesda support. They said that there was nothing they could do. Then I went to the Skyrim Nexus forums, where I was greeted with silence (That I'm assuming is another "there's nothing we can do"). Then I went to the Steam Community Hub discussions tab. I got some people saying to quite whining, and to just use a keyboard, which is apparently far superior to my controller. Laced between the arguments waiting to happen, and the opinions disguised as fact, I got some people saying that they wish they could help, but they couldn't think of anything. They pointed me in some directions, and I'm waiting for information down those paths, but it's been a good week since anything has happened. No information, no help, no anything. So I come to you. The concentrated center of the vast cloud of information about Skyrim. I know that if there's any help to be had, here's where it will be. So, I come to you all looking for anything. Config files, mods, helpful tips, hints, or information. Even new leads would be nice, since the ones I know of now either are or have already grown cold. I don't know much about scripting, modding, or whatever you kids call it, so I don't know what this would take to do. For all I know, someone could whip this out in five minutes, or spend five months working around the clock on it. I'm not asking you for that. I don't want anyone to bust their humps to develop a mod that does this just for me (Most of the google results are of my posts, so I know that I'm pretty much alone.), but if you know of a config file, or a mod that already exists, or some small in-game option that I've somehow missed (Although I doubt that. I've checked, trust me.), all I ask is that you give me some information. I don't want any of you to research my problem, but if someone out there already knows of a solution, please feel free to give me a reply. Whether you just reply to say "Feel you, bro. Maybe you should check this link out:", "Here is a mod that does this:", "I can't help you, but maybe this guy can:", or even just "Sorry. There's nothing like this. But you have my sympathies, good luck on your search". Well, I think I've written what I have to say. For those of you who've taken the time out of their day to read this wall of text instead of fighting dragons, I thank you. For those of you who justify this post with a reply, even a short one, I thank you more. For those who give me a new place to look, give me new needs, give me something to further my search, I thank you even more. And for anyone who finally ends my search, with good news like "Oh, here's a mod for this", or bad news like "There is no way that this mod could exist. This is completely impossible. I'm sorry.", I thank you the most. I had over +500 hours in Skyrim on the PS3, and it breaks my heart that I only have 7 hours on the PC version. Skyrim is one of those games that let me make a character, create an adventure, and I desperately want to return there.