Now I thought the septims were something special, not xragonborn but called dragonblood. Reason being because it was only the emporers who were able to light the dragonfires because of the pact alessia made with akatosh and it went and held by her decendents. It even words gave the thought that didnt have to direct decendents, just people of like mind and goals. The actual decendents that were directly borned from her kin, could wear the necklace without ceremony and that the ceremony was there for two reasons. One to inform the unaware person of the pact, and the second to bimd them to the pact decendent or not but of same goals. Which would explain the dunmer emporer and Martin.
Question is, were the septims actual dragonborn when its sated that they are only born at a time of need or are they similar bit something different?
Could someone clarify which it is and with source, because if so....that svcks. That would mean there are a ton of dragonborns in the world and that they really dont fesl all that special Im teally confused. I