Despite the civil war and water shortages, I'd still like to live on the Ark, 'cos there even the zombies parcour, it'd be awesome,
Valve made a start on parkour zombies in half life 2, (their fast zombies were the best game enemies ever, period) then in L4D they could climb and get on top of tables and low walls, but this is an oppurtunity to take it to epic extremes.
I wonder if the guys keeping an administrative eye on this (and other) topics might pick this up and send it to SD, after all Bethesa and SD are having a nice, hands off, open doors relationship according to The Escapist.
If you've seen the sort of many routes at once illustration in Aubrey Hesselgren dev diary, imagine all the guys in it are zombies and you're what they're running towards.
Then imagine you kill loads of them creating a pile of corpses the SMART system can include in its dynamic reachabilities calculations, opening up escape routes and acting as high ground for you, and acting as cover for them as well as giving them further attack routes.
In COD WAW I would use corpses as visual cover while sniping prone, (A short affair before I fell in love with stealth, gas nade, shotgun technique.) I don't think there are any other ways corpses have been used in multiplayer before.