Serana and CurrentFollowerFaction
Question 1: In a game without a multiple follower mod, does Serana get added to the CurrentFollowerFaction when she starts following the player?
She's in the CurrentFollowerFaction in my game - but I think that is due to my constant editting of Simple Multiple Followers. However, looking at her base "follower" Script, it doesn't look like it adds her to it.
Also, while I'm here...
SetPlayerTeammate on NPCs that are not current followers
Question 2: Are there mods that set NPC's "player teammate" flag (i.e. GetPlayerTeammate/IsPlayerTeammate is True for them), to TRUE even before they are recruited? Some posters in my threads here and the Nexus have, in the past, mentioned that there are mods that do this.
Why is this? Is it simply so that they do not revert to their default outfits?
I think setting this flag to TRUE when the NPC is not actually a follower is problematic for mods that dynamically attach special functions for followers. E.g.: my mods Battle fatigue and injuries, Horse commands, and Simple multiple followers all have fatures that "look" for followers. All my mod's current versions find followers that are in the CurrentFollowerFaction. However, some special followers are not added to the CurrentFollowerFaction quest for one gameplay reason or another. Therefore, these followers (even if they are following the player in regards to their AI Package) will not get the features of my mods (e.g. horse-riding).
But what I did find is that those who truly are followers, i.e. those that have AI Packages that make them follow the player, do have their teammate flag set to True even if they are not a member of the CurrentFollowerFaction.
And I think using GetPlayerTeammate/IsPlayerTeammate as a condition to find these followers is more reliable than using a check against CurrentFollowerFaction.
So...are there mods that set the "player teammate" flag on NPCs that are not followers?