(Please note: I do understand that these are most likely issues with the codes, however, I am not saying this in total seriousness. I am merely saying it through an immersive point of view, what I would consider to be a journal entry in my Dragonborn's journal (yes, I do have the journal mod), and since Skyrim's forums only have so many places to post, and I wanted to share my thoughts on this with you guys, and it contained spoilers, I placed it here. Again, this is not to be taken seriously.)
So, after reaching the courtyard for the quest Chasing Echoes, I proceeded to unlock the dial, and headed down to the ruins, Serana trailing behind me. After a few minutes of checking things out (I like to take in my surroundings) we're going down a hallway when an arrow comes out of nowhere, and flies into Serana's head. She just stands there and says "I think I heard something," Seriously, Serana? Could the thing you heard possibly be the arrow that flew straight into your head? All she really says when going around fighting is "I think I heard something." "Is someone there?" "Done and done." It's like, all she says.
After a little more fighting (and a few billion more "I think I heard something" 's) a Gargoyle bursts out of the wall lunges straight at her. What does she say? "Is someone there?" Again, seriously? Could it possibly be the Gargoyle that just lunged at you? Another thing; she literally got stuck on a potato. She was walking until she reached the potato, she then proceeded walk in place for a few seconds, then stopped and sheathed her weapons. She refused to budge an inch until I moved the potato back onto the table. Then she carries on like nothing happened. Seriously, Serana, you got stuck on a potato? Seriously?