So i was doing the Auriel's Bow quest and before starting it i decided to go to the Thieves guild and do some missions as i had left it a bit untoched.
As i was doing small jobs (pickpocketing, shilling, breaks in and such) i told Serana to wait on the Ragged Flagon. After doing a few jobs i decided i wanted to go exploring and needed my most trusted companion. Point is, she wasn't in the Ragged Flaggon in Riften, nor back in my Lakeview Manor or back at Fort Dawngard. i've done all the waiting for 3 days and all that, but haven't been able to find her, and she has a ton of my stuff. Happened the same with Lydia, and my horse Shadowmere.... Any Ideas? Thanks!
P.S. I use Skyrim Legendary Edition on PS3