I, for one am very interested in what happened to the Psijics and Dwarves. I think the life of Alessia is a great topic. How would it work if there were a game that didn't take place 100 or 250 years in the future from the time of 'Oblivion'? What if it took place in the time when the barriers first went up? What if your character had to learn magic from the Psijics themselves? What if 'gates' weren't needed to travel to the D. Prince's realms? What if, like you're atronach from the magic castle, you're summoned beasties became part of the 'firmament' until they were killed? I really like the random quest generation ideas, but why must they always be alchemy ingredients. What about smithing ingredients or spell/enchantment ingredients? How about brining back the other water based creatures besides crabs and fishies? And then there was the 'levitate 1 point for 60 seconds' spells that allowed you to fly. Was anyone else really bummed that Vile's mask wasn't a two hundred something armor rating? Shirts, robes, and skirts should be able to be worn with light armor, at least. I won Morrowwind with Mara's shirt over my armor, it only took me a year. Now I hear one can win it in 16 minutes if you know what to do. I really liked being able to enchant a sword with paralyze or armor/clothing/jewelry with restore health. What I didn't like is that the lower level critters all but disappear once you level past 20 something. I did like the idea of having the ability to use a companion/horse/rat as a porter to carry my stuff (even if they needed to use a potion once and a while). If you sell a wicked piece of armor/clothing to a merchant, sometimes they'd put it on and not resell it. With the advent of quad-processors, gigabytes of RAM, and terabyte hard drives, I think they should come up with a game that would again test the best hardware out there. I fried three original xboxs, and two video cards on these games. Why not explore the lore a bit with just as much gore? This time maybe even have the ability to have a 'love interest' available.