Serious glitches? Random Guards dying etc. Please respond.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:52 am

Ok, I have noticed a considerable lack of consistency when loading my game. I have noticed that upon my title screen load up that merchants have a replenished stock of goods and gold - this could be exploited. If you reload this save, you find it instead reverts to what it was when you saved it and their stock/gold is what it should be. Upon reloading your game should you die during an encounter or whatever, you may find certain things fail to reload properly. I have seen water sliced in 2, with split textures, one half normal, the other half is invisible and you see the ground beneath. I have seen flags set in stone that no longer blow. They appear frozen. I have also seen odd things happen, like my level bar maxed out, yet the level up does not trigger, forcing me to reload; this happened only once, however. I have also noticed that sometimes arrows work correctly, then at other times, you can shoot a bird, for example, and it merely sticks to it, causing no damage. No amount of arrows kills them. Is this all related to the same loading issues? A reload sometimes corrects these. I am playing on Xbox, with the game running from disc.

Just this moment, in Whiterun, I left The Bannered Mare mead hall and heard something, I look to my left and a guard just falls dead to the ground. Nobody nearby, nothing touched him. This worries me the most, because I do not like the idea of this happening to a quest related NPC, especially if I have yet to discover them, which would result in me being oblivious to their existence and purpose. Now I have a dad body in Whiterun. Could you imagine this happening to a vital NPC, where you enter a city and find them dead! Trust me, this has to be fixed, because I've put over 100 hours already, and most passionately so. Do not let this happen to us console folks, because we can't mod a fix into this occurrence.

Thanks for your time, community. Please voice yourselves and your glitches and hopefully we can be heard.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:46 am

Well seeing as quest NPC's are marked as essential they cannot die. So your fears have been alleviated.

And the guard may have been killed while you were out of town. As the cell loads items that are on the ground appear in the air and then fall to the ground, at least thsi happened in Oblivion. So when you entered the cell loaded, the guard was al;ready dead, so he was loaded in middair and then collapsed to the ground.

Small graphical glitches like the missing water, adn flags nto blowing are rather minor, and are not going to be permanent, if you leave that area and come back you will more than likelybe fixed.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:03 am

The Guard wasn't dead already. I have been in whiterun for 2 game days already after smithing and selling etc, This guard was died the moment I left the mead hall. The Oblivion thing you mentioned was consistent. Therefore I'd have noticed this. I am concerned, regardless of how vital the NPC's are, merely because it shouldn't be happening. As for the minor animation and texture glitches, they open up the infinite curiosity of what else may be lacking or entirely unloaded correctly. I really hope that Bethesda are aware of this and that it may be fixed with their upcoming textures streaming patch.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:50 am

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