serious issuesbugs with patch 1.9 (lip sync delay, stutters,

Post » Sat May 11, 2013 8:53 pm

Hi there,

I did not find a thread about the following issues, so I just started a new topic.

Since the 1.9 update I am experiencing some serious issues.

The most annoying is this lip syncing delay which occures with many NPCs. Their mouths remain closed briefly while the audio keeps rolling along making lip syncs/responses delayed. It doesn't happen all the time but very often with numerous NPCs. That is really annoying.

Then there are those stutters. Two types of stutters to be precise. 1. type: Often when moving the mouse horizontally and diagonally some kind of "trembling" occures. 2.type: At random occasions Skyrim freezes for a second or so, or stutters.

And then there's that weired glitch with player characters' eyes. They do not blink anymore, instead PCs stare all the time. That creeps the hell out of me.

It seems like I am not the only one who is facing those bugs at the moment. There are some threads on the steam forums, nexus forums etc. about those problems.

I play the game on a pretty powerful gaming-rig and had no problems with framerate, freezing, stuttering or lip-syncing, before the 1.9 update - even when using the most intense graphic mods. I tried to run Skyrim with and without mods. I tried to verify the game cache. Loaded old savegames. and so on... Nothing worked. And of course the drivers I am using are fine and up to date.

It is definately the 1.9 patch. I tested those bugs with a Skyrim 1.8 backup (unfortunately a backup without the dragonborn dlc which I wanted to play during my easter-holidays -.-[awesome timing for beth to release a buggy update...]). All the problems discribed above do not happen with the 1.8 version - Skyrim 1.8 just runs smoothly for me.

Are the Beth-Devs aware of those bugs and working on a fix? Will the 1.9 problems be fixed soon or do we have to wait for the next update?

If you are experiencing the same and/or similar glitches feel free to post here.

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dean Cutler
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:06 pm

I am also experiencing these bugs. Most noticeably the lip-sync delay. When the beta update for 1.9 was an option, the lip-sync delay was first detected and frustrating. So rolling back to 1.8 (at the time) solved this issue and was working perfectly. Characters eyes worked (blinking, sleeping) and no major problems with character's mouth animations.

Now forced to update to 1.9 the lip-sync delay bug is unavoidable, and somewhat breaks the game. 90% of the game is talking with other NPCs. With no choice but to enable subtitles and try to read directly. Which is rather odd to see characters mouths moving out-of-sync from the corner of my eyes . It's like watching an English dubbed version of a foreign film. The blinking eyes is very apparent too, but in my opinion, it really doesn't bother me that much. But I can understand how it can affect the hardcoe immersion crowd.

I don't usually get upset over small bugs here & there coming from patches/updates but this one is rather signifigant. Plus, recently purchasing "Dragonborn" and excited to jump back into Skyrim with a new game, it's very upsetting this was a "forced" update when apparently there were problems with the beta. Because again, as of 1.9 these issues did not exsist (1.8=awesome).

P.S. No mods since the "optional beta" and now the "official update". According to other posts, mods have no affect on the lip-sync delay.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 7:27 pm

Lip syncing is most definitely there. I posted about it right after 1.9 came out. The stuttering is off and on, but not bad for me. I can't speak to the blinking eyes thing, as I've simply not noticed it before.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 6:49 pm

Another with the same lip sync issue. NPC's mouths are also often stuck open or snapping shut awkwardly at the end of conversations. For me it seems get worse as it goes along.

To be clear, this issue was not present for me before the patch. Showed up as soon as I installed the beta, and persisted through two fresh starts in unmodded games. I have tried updating (and rolling back) audio drivers, GPU drivers with no changes - everything else on my system is also up to date.

I haven't noticed the blinking, but that may be because I'm staring at the NPC's unsynced mouths. I have noticed some NPC's eyes rolled back on a few occasions, not sure if that's related.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 12:09 am


Dev's please update us on a possible fix coming up for this and the return of all the Mfg commands. I miss modifier and phoneme as with every hardcoe skyrim fan out there.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 2:05 am

I witnessed something similar with a few NPCs too. Now that you've seen it as well, I am sure it wasn't just my imagination. They walk around just like they always do, but their eyes are kind of rolled back for a few seconds once in a while. Combined with the lip sync issue, Skyrim has a touch of The Exorcist. Come on Beth you've got to do something about that. - sooner than later plz.
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matt oneil
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 11:28 am

Yes please, an acknowledgement from the devs would be reassuring. I've heard rumours that they are aware of at least the lip sync issue, but i doubt that's true. I'm also wondering if anybody doesn't have this problem. What is their setup? As for the stuttering, I don't really have signifigant cases of it. Maybe because I've always had it since day 1 and just have gotten used to it, idk. I also don't have settings cranked up to ultra (some 'ultra', some 'high'). But it's the lip-sync delay that has got me very annoyed.

It may not sound like a major issue in words. But when you see it in every other sentence from an NPC or any selection from the dialogue tree, it's remarkably bothersome. Sometimes, if you go in super close to an NPC when they were somewhat matching words to their lip animations, their mouths are still "jittering."

The laundry list of fixes that were addressed in the recent 1.9 update, I had none of those issues listed. And if I did, I did not notice them. Other than the additional "Legendary" feature, Skyrim 1.9 is basically a bugged patch. Please Bethesda, Skyrim be calling ya. Your devoted community is on line 1.
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 9:02 pm

I am having this issue too(lip sync delay), just some npcs..for example Hadvar when you ask about the dragons or Alfhild Battle-Born when you sell vegetables to her, I hope this will be fixed soon
bloody 1.9 update!
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 9:35 pm

I've noticed the lip-sync bug since the 1.9 beta came out. It is not severe on my machine, but if I watch closely the sound and the lip movement are slightly out of phase. I've also noticed an occasional delay in sound effects playing, for example when a wolf attacks me, I hit and kill it but there is no sound, then I will hear a chunk and a yelp when his body is already lying dead on the ground. I wonder if the two things might be related.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 3:19 pm

Iam on xbox 360 and I have both of these problems...lip sync is off and my character doesn't blink anymore. I know this is the pc forums but just wanted to let you guys know this is also happening on consoles.
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 3:53 pm

The devs already know about this and they are most probably working on it. As for myself, I have the lip sync problem, the npc being stuck mouth open during a conversation after we clicked on a link, some npc still blink, some others no longer. But, after 1.9 lag has 95% disappeared and I no longer have stuttering.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:52 pm

I think someone on this forum mentioned it might be an issue with facial animations - not only lip syncing, but also NPC eyes will "flutter" and blink abnormally. It happens to me too and it's very distracting.

I do hope they fix it.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:21 pm

No more dlcs for Skyrim but "minor" updates to come:
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Sam Parker
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 10:33 pm

Basically Bethesda giving the finger to Skyrim and users.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:36 pm

No. They just spent seven years on this game; they'll patch up the last things, among them the current facial animations bugs I hope and it'll be time for them to concentrate on something else. Let's not be unfair to them.
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 3:00 am

What about the GameJam things they showed up? i really thought they would implement at least half of all those things, which they did not even added half of them... like Verlet Physics, Spears, Flow Water Shader, Seasonal Foliage, Giant Epic Mudcrab and Flails... anyway off topic, but i doubt they actually release any other Patch, they already got our money so why should they bother any longer?

Anyway has anybody else noticed that Female Player characters do not do angry facial emote when in combat like Male Player characters? i just tried this yesterday with new game and no mods and all Male Players seem to have the facial emotion were female ones do not, maybe someone else can confirm this?
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 1:18 pm

There is Verlet in the hidden ini settings:

and the rest could come in the next patch. Who knows?
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 7:44 pm

We can′t really do much with those settings since the only capable Verlet Mesh enabled is the Vampire Cape, which i believe is hard codded in the exe.

I don′t think Bethesda has major plans with next Patch, probably tweak more Memory Performance and a little bug fix here and there... heck i am starting to doubt there will be a "next" patch, i bet 1.9 IS THE Final patch.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 7:39 pm

Okay, what about taking some rest? You sound tired.
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 1:59 pm

I hope this gets patched as it really needs addressing
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 3:07 pm

I quite agree with everything you wrote.
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Catherine N
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 12:21 am

Good for you but do you really imagine that Bethesda will leave Skyrim with the current lip sync bug and facial problems, that quite disfigures the game, unfixed? Commercially and ethically speaking that would be a very bad move and given the times, they can't afford losing money.
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claire ley
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 6:07 pm

Well, they have no reason to hurry up. Probably they will fix it, but I don't expect that to happen in the "near" future. Commercially? They already have our money (most potential costumers bought the game) and there will be no further Skyrim dlc which they need/want us to buy - so...Beht focuses on a "game (which) is at the point where it requires the studio’s full attention". That means the Skyrim bug fixing crew (if something like that even exists) is - let's call it understaffed.

Maybe they will fix the 1.9 issues with one of "the next minor updates to Skyrim (as needed)."

The capitalistic economic system has never been ethically. It likes to pretend to be moral. But the truth is - nearly no company gives a **** about ethics, moral etc. these days.

Ahm...literally every game released by Beth during the last decade was full of bugs and we still buy their products, because there is no other studio which programs such full scale epic games like Bethesda. There is no second The Elder Srolls or Fallout series out there. And their support is "unmotivated" most of the time.

Due to franchises like TES & Fallout Beth have made their mark. I could say something like: "If Beth does not fix Skyrim, I won't buy any future Bethesda games." But that wouldn't be true at all. I most probably will buy TES VI. And Bethesda knows that. Most of us are addicted to Beth's games. Beth is the dealer, they have the stuff.

But hey, I could be totally mistaken. Maybe Bethesda will release a fix during the next 5 days. Maybe with Skyrim 2.0. Who knows? I just doubt it.

I mean - c'mon - Skyrim users are reporing those 1.9 (beta) bugs since early march. The final version overran or steam accounts and was still bugged. The 1.9 console version was released nearly two weeks ago and has turned out to be the same buggy mess, that has been plaguing the PC-community for weeks.

(I really hoped some time ago that Beth was just working to fix the 1.9 update for consoles and that Skyrim pc would get the fix one or two days after console release. But as we all know that did not happen.)

And still there is not a single word from Bethesda about this awful and tiresome situation.
In my opinion, there is no reason to be optimistic anymore.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 5:25 pm

Same issues, it's been awhile since i've played, but sleeping NPC's don't seem to have any animation to them anymore either.

They just lay there with their eyes wide open, completely still. I could've sworn they at least had a deep breathing animation.

I wonder if these are issues the Unofficial patch could take a look at? Bethesda isn't likely to do anything/give us an update anytime soon.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 7:06 pm

I am also experiencing insane out of sync lip syncing.

Also regarding your trembling problem, try this which more or less solved it for me, or at least minimized it enough so that it isn't noticeable. This only applies for amd cards, if you have nvidia and are experiencing the trembling screen effect when looking around, I wouldn't know how to fix it for you.
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