Sounds like you need new friends.
I don't get the connection between Skyrim and nerds.
Your typical teenage boy can only comprehend guns, explosions, nonsensical chaos, whatever concept lies in the word "swag", and boobs.
So what you're trying to say is... the typical teenage boy is... Michael Bay?
From what I gatherd it seems that the people who don't have Skyrim are considered social outcasts.
Well, I don't doubt they believe his movies are the greatest films in cinema history.
Sounds like a bunch of hypocrites to me. I wouldn't be bothered by their words. Just some typical teasing is all.
So what if it is a nerdy game? Is there something wrong with playing a nerdy game?
Because according to most people: role-playing = nerdy.
No all my friends think SKYRIM is sick in a great way.
As for people thinking the game is nerdy that's more a reflection about them.
I think that's because most people think of roleplaying as talking to yourself all the time.
My friend used to give me a hard time for my love for the series. He loves LOTR and plays League of Legends all the time.
Moral of the story: People are stupid, and especially my friend.
This. One of the earliest lessons I learned in high school is that 'nerdy' and 'popular' don't matter in the slightest. What others think shouldn't have any impact on you.
I can see why, I just don't really care
the Stereotypical Nerdieness is usually associated with Midieval, Fantasy, Battling dragons, dungeon delving, role-playing stuff.
you could be put under the title of Nerd, especially if you were in my case, where you can sing the Chorus of the Skyrim theme in Dragon language and in English...
Don't worry about your friends though, I have one similar as well. He's permanently sarcastic and likes to pick on Skyrim just to contradict everyone around him who enjoys the game
That's a talent! Glad to see I'm not the only one
Unfortunately, it ruined the Morrowind theme for me ...
It's kinda interesting at how "nerdy" fantasy is when you look at it. You're a guy armed with a giant cleaving instrument, needing to go into battle with opponents weilding similar instruments. By neccessity, you need to be fairly strong, and covered in metal to stand a chance. Then, of coruse, there are giant reptiles flying about that spit napalm and are big enough to eat you in one gulp. That ignores, of course, the weak people who can pretty much ruin your day with a snap of their fingers, the legions of hell, monsters that [censored] with your mind, things that are already dead but moving, etc.
Sp... how the heck is Spec-Ops more manly than that?
I don't know if talking to yourself is the same as talking to the game: especially when I get killed trying to change from range to melee. Those arrows more often than not don't fly straight at close range. Darn things! The other thing that gets me talking is when I am just about to release an arrow my companion will ultimately step right in front of me. Then, by the time I recover the enemy is on top of me kicking the crap out out of me: and, would you know it one or two hits and I am dead as a door nail. That said at sixty-six I am not as quick and as flexible as a fifteen year old. But, hey! I give it my best shot.
I actually talk, scream, cuss, rejoice and sometimes cry at my character. I strictly play as a 3rd party, so it's not uncommon for me to verbally interact.
Fortunately none of my friends give me issue with my gaming preferences.
... I have none.
Eh, because it's more of an envious fantasy rather than reality I guess.
and sometimes comes to the point where a bunch of skinny dudes in a forest throw pouches at each other pretending it's magic. xD
I believe it is quite evident that they are indeed Lightning bolts!
Recently purchased a wood lathe to turn wooden tankards, ceramics dont resonate with me, my mead and Skyrim. All because of Skyrim and my fascination with medieval fantasies I have a hunk of metal from '79 waiting to be abused and bled upon from my creations.
Nerdy? Never, its how it makes "you" feel inside what counts.