Serious question to all you guys who play as females

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:08 am

Whilst I'm glad to see that the community is accepting of both female and male players/characters :nod:... I don't need think there's any need to keep attacking him when he's already said it's wrong himself, with regret, many times already!

It was not an attack. There is no need for people to keep framing such responses as attacks, I would have thought.

Never mind, though. Frame away!
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:31 pm


that reminds me, my female Shepard got jiggy with Thane.

So in actual fact, I can definitely see my Skyrim char doing a similar thing.

Thane? He's just so...... Drell. I don't know, he's a BAMF and all, but I just couldn't see doing that as an option for me, even if I did make a FemShep
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:15 pm


that reminds me, my female Shepard got jiggy with Thane.

So in actual fact, I can definitely see my Skyrim char doing a similar thing.

You could use:
spoiler text.

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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:05 am

yes ill make a girl and yes she'll be a hot Orc lesbo.

Who marries a female argonian? :P
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:26 am

Who marries a female argonian? :P

That depends on her employment :hubbahubba:
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:03 am

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation between preferred perspective, and this sort of thing. I know it's not a perfect 1:1 anology (and it's probably more of a sliding scale than an "either/or" proposition,) but I've always seen playing primarily in first-person as similar to taking on the role of an actor in the game. The interface is a tool for emoting into the game world, in that case, so the fewer layers that would get in the way of getting "into character," the better. As more of a third-person sort of gamer, I've approached that viewpoint more as a director than an actor. Having that one level of "remove" from the action feels right to how I approach the concept of roleplaying a character - even playing a game in firs-person just feels like a psychic dissonance to my sensibilities.

Having that level of disconnect between myself and the character, it doesn't feel as... "weird" to roll a female character in an RPG. It's a character I've created and am directing, as opposed to me attempting to "inhabit" the avatar of a female character. So yeah, I think perspective probably has a strong correlation here.

Myself, I've played a number of female characters in other RPGs. I know with Fallout, it just seemed to makes sense, somehow. Going even back to Fallout 1, my "main" playthrough character has always focused on Speech, Intelligence, Charisma, usually either Science or Repair, etc. Often to the detriment of STR and END. Usually it's 3 STR and END for 8s in CHA, INT, and AGI. For some reason, it just always felt more of a feminine characterization. Obviously, that's stereotyping - but I just had more trouble coming up with a compelling male character with those stats (in my head) than a female. Like, if I was casting an action movie - I just couldn't think of anyone that would fit as a male; while a small-framed actress filling that role would more easily be seen as a strong female lead. It just seemed more compelling, somehow.

And it's not necessarily a six thing, with me. But of course: I don't always roll female characters, but when I do - I make sure they're totally hot. :) I figure seeing a female character in a protagonist role can be rather compelling, especially when filling a role where a male protagonist would be more "same old, same old." Take Ripley in Aliens, for example. That could just as easily been a guy, but put Sigourney Weaver in that role, and the movie takes on a different dimension.

Anyway, with that third-person aspect, I don't generally find roleplaying a relationship with a male NPC to be innately awkward. Still, when romance is going to be one of the focal points in an RPG, I do tend to prefer to play as a male character (Mass Effect, for example - if I did roll a female Shepard, she'd probably end up romancing Liara.) I do recall my first time through Jade Empire, none of the male character models really did anything for me. But they had this one female preset with these amazing legs and a very short costume - it was hard to turn down. I ended up, almost by accident, finding my character in a relationship with a male NPC, and that time it did feel awkward.

So I suppose it has that potential. I've played through games with gay relationships before (both as male and female PCs,) and had female characters in games pursue romantic relations with male NPCs, and never felt odd about it. But with that one game, it just felt odd to me.

I'm not sure in Skyrim, what I'm going to play as. (With as big as the Elder Scrolls games are, I generally only ever make it through the one playthrough, so it's kind of an important decision in my case.) If I do decide to play as a female character, I'll probably pursue a "hetero" relationship - depending on the character I create, how the actual mechanics of a relationships work out in that game, and simply circumstance.

But really, I don't see as how it's all that strange of a concept. To me, I'm kind of an aspiring writer in the first place. I don't find it really any different than writing a story with a strong female lead in it.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:55 am

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation between preferred perspective, and this sort of thing. I know it's not a perfect 1:1 anology (and it's probably more of a sliding scale than an "either/or" proposition,) but I've always seen playing primarily in first-person as similar to taking on the role of an actor in the game. The interface is a tool for emoting into the game world, in that case, so the fewer layers that would get in the way of getting "into character," the better. As more of a third-person sort of gamer, I've approached that viewpoint more as a director than an actor. Having that one level of "remove" from the action feels right to how I approach the concept of roleplaying a character - even playing a game in firs-person just feels like a psychic dissonance to my sensibilities.

Having that level of disconnect between myself and the character, it doesn't feel as... "weird" to roll a female character in an RPG. It's a character I've created and am directing, as opposed to me attempting to "inhabit" the avatar of a female character. So yeah, I think perspective probably has a strong correlation here.

Myself, I've played a number of female characters in other RPGs. I know with Fallout, it just seemed to makes sense, somehow. Going even back to Fallout 1, my "main" playthrough character has always focused on Speech, Intelligence, Charisma, usually either Science or Repair, etc. Often to the detriment of STR and END. Usually it's 3 STR and END for 8s in CHA, INT, and AGI. For some reason, it just always felt more of a feminine characterization. Obviously, that's stereotyping - but I just had more trouble coming up with a compelling male character with those stats (in my head) than a female. Like, if I was casting an action movie - I just couldn't think of anyone that would fit as a male; while a small-framed actress filling that role would more easily be seen as a strong female lead. It just seemed more compelling, somehow.

And it's not necessarily a six thing, with me. But of course: I don't always roll female characters, but when I do - I make sure they're totally hot. :) I figure seeing a female character in a protagonist role can be rather compelling, especially when filling a role where a male protagonist would be more "same old, same old." Take Ripley in Aliens, for example. That could just as easily been a guy, but put Sigourney Weaver in that role, and the movie takes on a different dimension.

Anyway, with that third-person aspect, I don't generally find roleplaying a relationship with a male NPC to be innately awkward. Still, when romance is going to be one of the focal points in an RPG, I do tend to prefer to play as a male character (Mass Effect, for example - if I did roll a female Shepard, she'd probably end up romancing Liara.) I do recall my first time through Jade Empire, none of the male character models really did anything for me. But they had this one female preset with these amazing legs and a very short costume - it was hard to turn down. I ended up, almost by accident, finding my character in a relationship with a male NPC, and that time it did feel awkward.

So I suppose it has that potential. I've played through games with gay relationships before (both as male and female PCs,) and had female characters in games pursue romantic relations with male NPCs, and never felt odd about it. But with that one game, it just felt odd to me.

I'm not sure in Skyrim, what I'm going to play as. (With as big as the Elder Scrolls games are, I generally only ever make it through the one playthrough, so it's kind of an important decision in my case.) If I do decide to play as a female character, I'll probably pursue a "hetero" relationship - depending on the character I create, how the actual mechanics of a relationships work out in that game, and simply circumstance.

But really, I don't see as how it's all that strange of a concept. To me, I'm kind of an aspiring writer in the first place. I don't find it really any different than writing a story with a strong female lead in it.

So long.... so much information........ eyes burning due to reading while sleep deprived...... :ahhh:
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Beat freak
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:08 am

When i make a girl character she'll probably end up being bi, so she'll marry either a guy or girl, whichever feels right in-game.

I don't see why people find it so hard to believe that sone guys can think of girls as powerful warriors/mages too, and enjoying Roleplaying a side they don't see from in real life.

Plus there's the fact that independent women that could totally kick my ass are hot in a weird way. (I know, I'm an interesting individual)

I also like playing as a girl from time to time because everyone expects the big awesome hero to be some macho manly man, not a powerful, independent, and intelligent woman.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:23 am

Single. My character will not polish spears! :swear:

well she can be single and still polish spears. also, polishing spears would be a good source of income
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:22 am

my six will change throughout the game lol showracemenu shhhhh :whistling:
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:49 am

Are you going to get married in the game?

If so, are you going to have your girl character marry a guy or girl?

If you choose guy, will that feel weird at all, knowing that the character you are role playing as and emotionally invested in is marrying a dude in-game?

If you choose to marry a girl, (honest question - I'm not trolling here) is one of your reasons behind that hoping for some hot girl-on-girl action?


#1- Yes.

#2- Depends on the character.

#3- Not at all. The guy my female is marrying is not real. In fact, she's not real either. The setting they're in isn't real.

#4- That's secondary.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:39 am

Because it makes me remember the good games I played where the main character is a woman (Tomb Raider, Syberia, Resident Evil, The Longest Journey)

I play a female character in Fallout 3 too (in a 2nd round after finish the game with a male character)... LOTS OF FUN !!!!!

I like girls so much in real life that if I play a female character in Skyrim, she will married with a lot of girls too (one in every city if possible), like a female horny sailor ... :happy:
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:16 am

I know you know you're wrong for thinking this, but do you know why you think it, or is it just something in your head.

I'm a guy and I'm 100% against sixism, it actually kinda pisses me off, I don't know why. I have some examples of BA and amazing female characters in recent games:

Miranda Lawson from ME (I have a very unatural attraction to her)
Liara T'soni from ME
Leliana from Dragon Age
Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII
Tali Zorah vas Normandy from ME
Trishka Novak from Bulletstorm
Anya Stroud from Gears of War series
Sam Byrne from Gears of War series
Bernadette Mataki from Gears of War series

EPIC actually makes it a point for there female characters to be awesome.

EDIT: Oh, and a FemShep from ME and a female Warden from Deagon Age are amazing as well.

guys i love sixism allways cheer me up :celebration:
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:27 am

guys i love sixism allways cheer me up :celebration:

That's a horrible thing to say, why do you thinks it's good exactly?
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:11 am

personally i love females and love creating many female characters I even draw alot of female characters and im pretty decent at drawing
I usely start off as a Female assassin and befor I kill some one in game i save the game so i can cause havoc and kill everyone in the room then load back befor i even killed a single person cause i like to see what would happen and how challenging the npc's are.
if i were to marry some one it would probably be a girl but if you can have kids in this game then i might marry a guy
honestly i just dont like playing male characters i lose interest in games vary fast if its a male character
I choose and love to play the female character cause i like there clothes, body shape, and face creations i know i sound like a crazy guy and i am some what obsassed but thats the way i am.
i feel i should stat that I do have a girl friend i love vary much shes a gamer we play battlefield together and where pair snipers we both love drawing and ive been with her 8 years and 10 munths ever since highschool.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:32 am

That's a horrible thing to say, why do you thinks it's good exactly?

i am just joking lol :evil:
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:27 am

i am just joking lol :evil:

oh.... good.... I guess.....
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:17 am

oh.... good.... I guess.....

is that little bit creepy :rofl:
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:40 am

If you choose guy, will that feel weird at all, knowing that the character you are role playing as and emotionally invested in is marrying a dude in-game?

Why would it feel weird? I'm a guy, so it's not like my female character marrying one is going to expose me to anything I haven't seen before, is it?
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:36 am

Thane? He's just so...... Drell. I don't know, he's a BAMF and all, but I just couldn't see doing that as an option for me, even if I did make a FemShep

Maybe you're not me after all.
I'd go gay for Thane. :disguise:
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:58 am

Why would it feel weird? I'm a guy, so it's not like my female character marrying one is going to expose me to anything I haven't seen before, is it?

Uhhhh.... the female perspective.....?

Maybe you're not me after all.
I'd go gay for Thane.

If he didn't look so much like a........ Drell, he would definitly be one of my first choices if I went gay
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:31 am

I play female characters because when i'm telling the story from a 'male' point of view I do actually end up playing myself without realising at first. Make the choices i'd make. With a female lead i can get somewhat into her head, but never enough for her to be -me-.

I have the same.

I'll probably make tons of characters, but I have two planned, a male and a female. The male will marry a sweet female and will start living together with her in a house outside the cities before all the big adventures begin. The main motive of the character for 'saving the world' will be protecting his wife.

The female character will be a sorceress. I'll probably not let her marry, but she will use her lures (and magic) to get other people - mainly males - to do things that benefit her. I probably chose this because I find attractive girls who do this in real quite fascinating, probably due to the conflict of being attracted to her while forcing yourself to not get caught in her webs. And yes, another reason to play a female character is because I can make her look beautiful and attractive. I probably won't engage her in "hot action", because often I find the suggestion of such excitement more interesting than the actual act or sight. I find a well-dressed woman more beautiful than a naked woman for example.

Oh, and give the guy who feels bad that he has a hard time seeing females characters as heroes a break. He knows it's incorrect, that sort of thing exists automatically, for example because in daily life the vast majority of females that he encounters are not very warrior-like. Or the fact that males naturally look stronger due to more muscle growth. It's subconscious, the important thing is that it is corrected by his conscious thought. Attacking him for it would testify of overzealous political correctness with a tyrannical tendency.
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:08 pm

I already have a female character planned, a lightly armored dual wield/restoration paladin type of character. Think Frimelda Lotice if any of you played FFTA2 (

Anyways, on the whole marriage thing, it depends. If there is anything really beneficial to marrying, I might do it. Or maybe if there is just a character I like so freaking much I want to make sure he is alive in my house instead of dead via dragon in the wilderness I would do it (It'd be cooler if your wife/husband of choice became a companion just for marrying you though).
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:24 pm

(It'd be cooler if your wife/husband of choice became a companion just for marrying you though).

I expect it will be like this, and if it is not, it will be modded in soon enough! I might play another female character with that, a priest/healer type married with a warrior who will be the tank at all times.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:47 am

edit: Just making sure you understand: I know 100% that this is the wrong way of thinking. 100%.

I like playing female characters a lot myself and sixist comments usually make me rage but after reading a few of your posts and seeing you apologize for it it almost makes you a lovable sixist.

I guess I can't be mad at that, even if it is pretty sixist. :P
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