Serious question to all you guys who play as females

Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:09 am

I can see where you're going. But their characters are still based around something in their life. Whether it's a female they know, someone historical, or some other inspiration from their real life. Men don't know the inner workings of a woman. Naturally they can't know. So they use inspirations from women in their lives, or women they've read about and so on.

All writers have to do that with every character they make that isn't an exact copy of themselves, regardless of gender. Neither all women nor all men think alike, even if trends are present.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:14 am

I've always played female characters if it's possible. Not sure why.. more pleasant to look at. I like the fact that women usually look more stealthy and dexterous in games and I like to play stealthy characters.
depending on how marriage works is what I'll base if it's worth even getting married. If the game continues past the ending then getting married will be the last thing I do.. (kind of like I'm settling down.)
If you can't continue past the ending then I'll still do it close to last probably. If you can get married to anyone within the game world I'll choose whatever character I like the best. I'm not just going to randomly run around and get married to the first person I see because I can. Male or Female will be dictated on who I like best within the game.
Most likely I'll stay single for as long as possible. It won't fit my sneaky assassin character.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:25 am

i only ever make one girl, and i made her because i felt there should have been some balance.I plan on making a Nord female as my third character.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:05 pm

I don't often play female characters, but I'll probably play one for a play through. I probably won't be marrying with every male character, and I wouldn't as a female because I couldn't understand the perspective and that would break immersion.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:20 am

When I entered this thread I honestly expected the OP to simply be the word "Why?"

lmao my thoughts exactly.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:57 am

I can see where you're going. But their characters are still based around something in their life. Whether it's a female they know, someone historical, or some other inspiration from their real life. Men don't know the inner workings of a woman. Naturally they can't know. So they use inspirations from women in their lives, or women they've read about and so on. Male writers who don't give their woman protagonists the soul of some real-life inspiration will lack the makings of a book that people can immerse theirselves in or find half-way believeable. So, if that IS your reason for playing a female character- who's your inspiration?

I don't really base characters on anyone in particular, or maybe more accurately, I base them on everyone. I'm a lifelong student of human nature. I habitually seek to divine the motives and beliefs and ambitions and hopes and fears and so on of pretty much everyone I meet. So when I create a character, I do basically the same thing. I don't create characters whole cloth - I just create a basic outline, often nothing more than race and gender and maybe some vague inclinations, then I just sort of follow along and watch, and things start falling into place and sooner or later I end up with a relatively fully-fleshed character. As near as I can tell, gender doesn't make a whole lot of difference. I obviously have less of an internalized understanding of all the qualities that make up female personalities, but, if anything, I have a greater observational understanding of that, just because I'm heterosixual, so figuring out how women think has always been to my advantage, so I've invested more time and energy into it over the years.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:21 am

I dont care. My character is NOT me, and since Im not a chauvinist or a homophobe, I have no problem with making male gay characters, or making female straight characters. My Dragon Age origins character was female and ended up marrying one of the male romance options (I wont spoil).

My first playthrough will be female, and I have no idea what Ill do with her when those options present themselves. I guess I will choose according to what best fits her.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:09 am

I can see where you're going. But their characters are still based around something in their life. Whether it's a female they know, someone historical, or some other inspiration from their real life. Men don't know the inner workings of a woman. Naturally they can't know. So they use inspirations from women in their lives, or women they've read about and so on. Male writers who don't give their woman protagonists the soul of some real-life inspiration will lack the makings of a book that people can immerse theirselves in or find half-way believeable. So, if that IS your reason for playing a female character- who's your inspiration?

To put a finer point on it men don't really know the inner workings of other men either. Everything when it comes to writing is an approximation because human beings don't have the ability to imagine beyond the self. By which I mean we can't really understand anyone else with real accuracy because we are always thinking with our brain. So even male characters are just an extension of the self projected through the lens of outside stimuli, the same is true for female characters they are an approximation made up of our own imagination based on our lives/experiences and our interpretation of real or fictional women we've encountered. The tricky thing for writers when it comes to inspiration is they don't always know where it comes from, I got my entire characters back story from a line of dialougue that just kind of sprung into my head and it shaped her whole character.
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:21 pm

To put a finer point on it men don't really know the inner workings of other men either. Everything when it comes to writing is an approximation because human beings don't have the ability to imagine beyond the self. By which I mean we can't really understand anyone else with real accuracy because we are always thinking with our brain. So even male characters are just an extension of the self projected through the lens of outside stimuli, the same is true for female characters they are an approximation made up of our own imagination based on our lives/experiences and our interpretation of real or fictional women we've encountered. The tricky thing for writers when it comes to inspiration is they don't always know where it comes from, I got my entire characters back story from a line of dialougue that just kind of sprung into my head and it shaped her whole character.

Yes, unless you yourself have multiple personalities orhave had very different ways of thinking in various parts of your life to form experience from, all characterisation besides your own is an observational inference.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:17 am

One of the many reasons for me is that most of my squires were women. Training them to compete with men (in the SCA men and women fight each other as there is no weight or gender class) fascinated me; it requited the women in our organization to be almost 3 times more "skilled" than the men to match the inherent physical (and some mental) advantages that men have in combat.

So playing as a female in Oblivion (moded to be more realistic via my Duke Patrick mods) allowed me to do "general model-based testing" of some of my concepts I had teaching women to fight.

But I would be disingenuous if I did not also admit that if I am going to be looking at the backside of a PC for hundreds of hours I would prefer that it is not a hairy, rock hard "beef cake". :yucky:

Married? Warriors should not get married until they are ready to retire....but that is just my opinion.
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:49 am

If you choose guy, will that feel weird at all, knowing that the character you are role playing as and emotionally invested in is marrying a dude in-game?

"Weird" is so 20th century...

Hehe. I fully support their right (and everyone's rights) to play however they wish. Who cares?!
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:02 am

But I would be disingenuous if I did not also admit that if I am going to be looking at the backside of a PC for hundreds of hours I would prefer that it is not a hairy, rock hard "beef cake". :yucky:

I'd probably play a female too if I enjoyed third person play. But, I hate third person to the point that I've passed on playing several games that by all accounts are great simply because I couldn't play them in a first person perspective. Since I don't spend my play time actually looking at my character, I have no motivation to play anything other than my own gender.
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Ian White
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:42 am

hairy, rock hard "beef cake"

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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:48 am

i will be play as a male character as always because female characters dont fit my playstyle
i tried to play as a female in oblivion 3 or 4 times after seeing everyone playing as a female character but i get bored very quickly and i want my character to be unique since everyone
playing as female.

for marriage if i found a good chick why not :flamethrower:
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:57 pm

Sick minds out there.... SHAME!! :shakehead:
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:00 pm

Sick minds out there.... SHAME!! :shakehead:

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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:37 am

My fist playthrough will most likely be male, but I'll undoubtedly end up making several female characters down the line. In the long term I usually wind up making more woman characters than men. I don't really know much about the ingame romance, but I don't really see myself pursuing it much if at all. It just doesn't sound too interesting to me right now :/

Also, my reasons for playing women are several. For one, they are easier on the eyes. Also, I am rather emotional and a tad feminine for a guy, so I often find myself relating to women better than men. This extends to teh characters I make as well, whether for games or in writing.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:10 am

only time i specifically choose to play female is in MMOs. you do in fact get alot of free stuff if you use a female avatar and flirt with other players. its REALLY fun if your with a group that is in on the secret. one time everyone went out with female avatars and we played as a roving gang of lisbians. tons of free stuff just for dancing next to eachother. i guess technically i can put down stripper on my next resume. :)

while i dont mind it even for first person games if i have a choice it does feel weird to play a female avatar. if i dont have a choice i dont care such as the case with mirrors edge or the lilith character from borderlands who is actually my favorite character to play with.

i bet somewhere someone has done a psychological profile of guys who play female characters. i wonder what Freud would say about their relationship with their mothers. :wacko:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:13 am

If she meets some nice guy, then yes, she might marry him, it's up to my character really. I build my characters up with enough personality they're more or less a conscious being, what actions they take are a result of that personality, not my choices.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:47 am

I wonder why the OP doesn't ask why girls sometimes play as male characters. Obviously because all we want to do is stare at a hunk of man-meat all the time, right? (Answer: No. Some of us just want to make interesting characters :thumbsup:).
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:48 pm

The point of roleplaying, at least in a single-player game, is building a character. Not playing yourself. At least how I do it.

I approach roleplaying like writing a book or story. I play all the characters; its just some of the dialog is already written for me. I play female characters because when i'm telling the story from a 'male' point of view I do actually end up playing myself without realising at first. Make the choices i'd make. With a female lead i can get somewhat into her head, but never enough for her to be -me-. So, I find it easier to write her acting in ways I wouldn't. as for being wed, likely straight and with a male. I find it no more uncomfortable than an author would. It's not me that i'm 'playing'. I'm just the wielder of the 'pen'.
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Tyler F
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:54 am

No marriage for my girls. It just doesn't feel like something they would get into. :shrug:
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:35 am

Na the only time I went female besides male was during the "Sirens" quest in Anvil cause I found out it was gender specific... I later found out it was 4 lines of dialouge that got changed, beyond that same exact plot.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:36 am

My character will be female, but she won't get into a proper relationship. She'll have another female as an adventuring companion, not as a love life.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:14 am

I wonder why the OP doesn't ask why girls sometimes play as male characters. Obviously because all we want to do is stare at a hunk of man-meat all the time, right? (Answer: No. Some of us just want to make interesting characters :thumbsup:).

Plus there are a lot more games where you automatically play as a male I think, so you just get used to it. I don't think it's weird to play as a hetero male or any other combination - it's just a character. :shrug:
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