I can see where you're going. But their characters are still based around something in their life. Whether it's a female they know, someone historical, or some other inspiration from their real life. Men don't know the inner workings of a woman. Naturally they can't know. So they use inspirations from women in their lives, or women they've read about and so on. Male writers who don't give their woman protagonists the soul of some real-life inspiration will lack the makings of a book that people can immerse theirselves in or find half-way believeable. So, if that IS your reason for playing a female character- who's your inspiration?
I don't really base characters on anyone in particular, or maybe more accurately, I base them on everyone. I'm a lifelong student of human nature. I habitually seek to divine the motives and beliefs and ambitions and hopes and fears and so on of pretty much everyone I meet. So when I create a character, I do basically the same thing. I don't create characters whole cloth - I just create a basic outline, often nothing more than race and gender and maybe some vague inclinations, then I just sort of follow along and watch, and things start falling into place and sooner or later I end up with a relatively fully-fleshed character. As near as I can tell, gender doesn't make a whole lot of difference. I obviously have less of an internalized understanding of all the qualities that make up female personalities, but, if anything, I have a greater observational understanding of that, just because I'm heterosixual, so figuring out how women think has always been to my advantage, so I've invested more time and energy into it over the years.