Are you going to get married in the game?
If so, are you going to have your girl character marry a guy or girl?
If you choose guy, will that feel weird at all, knowing that the character you are role playing as and emotionally invested in is marrying a dude in-game?
If you choose to marry a girl, (honest question - I'm not trolling here) is one of your reasons behind that hoping for some hot girl-on-girl action?
I have played both female and male characters and plan to do the same for Skyrim. It's fun to unlock all the unique dialogue options with certain NPCs, for example by getting the "Cherchez La Femme," "Black Widow," "Lady Killer" and "Confirmed Bachelor" perks in Fallout New Vegas.
I think my first character will be a male, either Dunmer, Argonian, Orc, Khajit or Bosmer. Whenever I end up playing a female character, I don't know whether I'd be more inclined to pursue a romance option with a female NPC, probably so, but I think a lot of this depends on how our player character develops over time as the story of Skyrim plays out and what sort of NPCs we encounter.
Over time (will probably take a few years), I'm planning to play 10 different characters in order to try out each of the 10 races, so at some point, you want to try to unlock more interesting dialogue options by playing very different types of characters.