You know we have had a few discussions about imerssion. And I have heard the argument, about using someone's imagination to immerse oneself in the game. I already got a thread about how much is it the player's imagination and how much effort the DEV puts in the game for immersion.
I've stumbled across something that to me, is the ultimate immersion breaking. I just....
Some of the Nordic ruins are undiscovered or newly discovered by some intrepid explorer. One of them near Riften, I just....I give up on this game. I seriously....wth.
We have Ancient Nordic weapons, Ancient Nordic armor, the draugr are ancient nords.
And I find two draugr body with Imperial Armor on their corpses. They were the dead, don't get up kind. I seriously had to turn off my system off after that. How am I suppose to imagine that away?
This is an ancient tomb, that hasn't been touched by people for centuries. And...they had brand new, non ancient imperial armor on their body. I cannot even....omg. Seriously. I just...*throws hands up in air and walks away from thread* I give up. This game is perfect and not flawed in any way. My apologies for so many threads pointing out the flaws.