And that would svck even more than the movie...
And that would svck even more than the movie...
Holy pancakes NO! What a horrible idea! Have you ever seen what Hollywood does with these kinds of movies? It gives them to Michael Bay. Or worse, Paul Anderson and the movie becomes a wife hunting experiment. I think it would be better if TES was given to EA.
The problem with most movies is that they have limited budgets to work with, so they end up being crap. I could totally see a LOTR style TES movie being awesome, with good directing, quality acting, good visuals etc. Not based on Skyrim, but a new story arch involving multiple provinces of Tamriel.
Prince of persia. Seriously.
I've been a POP fan since I was at least 8 and I skipped watching it in cinema cos I thought it'd be terrible, watched it with my family and was totally shocked and annoyed I didn't see it soon as it came out.
It was based along the lines prince of persia the forgotton sands. They had a lot of the persian themes and great acrobatic fighting, and for once - the actor actually looked like the protagonist from the games.
Maybe wouldn't watch it over 100 times like the matrix, but they did us POP fans proud.
More like a black peppercorn in a sea of salt.
If it were based on the games? I would hope never. There's too much missing flesh in the games for a movie to be possible, which would mean they would kind of be based on a single writer's idea of an ideal playthrough. However, if a book were developed into a movie, that might work.
TES needs a manga and anime adaption. That would be the best route to go.
Depends on what type of anime you're watching. I would see TES being a Seinen type of anime and manga, due to all of the politics.
There's a lot of really good anime out there. You just have to find it.
Sean bean would make a good ulfric,Or the voice actor of ulfric,Just give him ulfrics beard and hair.
Anime isnt terrible,And imagine it looking like this
Anyway i wouldnt want a tes movie based on skyrim
We already have an Ulfric:
Mortal Kombat(first one only. Annihilation svcked), pretty much all the TNMT games.
Street Fighter though, none of the movies were good.
If they decide to do this, they'd have to dumb it down for the masses: Alduin is going to end the world (yawn, when isn't a monster going to end the world?), a hero comes along (yawn, when doesn't a hero come along?), he endures some trials to prove himself (yawn, when doesn't the hero prove himself?), there are some opportunities for CG dragon fights and Shouts (which could be pretty cool) and ... happy ending, the end.
Who's the girl/love interest? Delphine or Lydia
Who's the comic relief? M'aiq the liar
Who's the mentor/father figure? Esbern or Arngeir
Who's the authority figure who doesn't understand the hero? Tullius
Who's the buddy/little brother who gets killed? Faendal the elf
Alchemy? nope, no time to explain it, just use a potion as a novelty or 'wow!' moment. Enchanting? nope, no time to explain it, but definitely have a cool weapon so merchandising is profitable. Smithing? you're kidding, right? Restoration, Illusion, Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration - too hard to explain the differences, just say 'wizard'.
Monsters, crypts, tombs, and abandoned forts? Definitely - pile it on, especially the clever traps and undead popping out of their sarcophagi.
Run-time: an hour and thirty five, rate it PG-13 (for brief nudity) and release in the summer after (or would it be before?) TES VI.
Edit: also assuming they don't just make up some nonsense like the white orc in The Hobbit
First one was good, second I have no idea I always fall asleep halfway...
I've only seen bits of that. But the first one got some praise. The second on the other hand got drilled.
He looks too young, they'd have to add 20 years or rewrite the timeline. See, we're already at risk of violating the lore.