The motion picture trailer was awesome. Super high quality, and just superb. I've watched it well over a dozen times, to be sure.
A movie would be incredible.
Hopefully never. When has a video game movie gone well
I have to agree. The Last Airbender was a GREAT animated series (and I still say there should be a Skyrim-like RPG for it!!!) but the movie was not as good. I'm not sure OP means a movie based on Skyrim, or any other particular TES video game, Warpenergybot, I'm pretty sure they mean a movie based on TES Lore, or a movie that takes place in Tamriel.
Because it would be boring as hell, except of course for The Lusty Argonian Maid, though I would prefer a Breton maid.
i would love a movie animated the same exact way the animation was done for the trailer for ESO. and they could pull of a movie using the same time period the ESO is, the second era was crazy-times. i have plenty of friends who also agree
Or the Max Payne movie. Oh lord, did they completely look at it from a different perspective. Also, about the idea for a TES movie. No.
When Skyrim is populated by cultured Nords who don't practice heretical hero-worship...
That is to say: Never.
Gawd, why are you all so pessimistic? "i don’t want a TES film because it would be crap"...well make it not crap then?
I think it would be a really nice addition to the TES series, if it's done well and not amateurish then i think it would be successful. You’d need a good solid plot, and obviously main (and not so main) characters. I think if they did make a TES film it would be sort of like the first lord of the rings, gathering a fellowship and going on a quest, could be good IMO.
Hopefully never.
First, there has never been a decent movie made about any game, ever.
Second, it is just completely and utterly impossible to make a movie about TES that does not at least dissapoint or worse, offend the mental picture people have formed in decades of purely solitary time spent building an imaginary world for themselves with the framework provided by TES.
LoTR couldn't do it, I walked out on the first movie and will never see them.
TES certainly couldn't do it as Tamriel is far more dependant on personal experience.
Ten to one says they'll leave out exactly those kind of things about TES that make it interesting for me because it is literally a rule in Hollywood to treat an audience as if they are five, in terms of comprehension of plot and presentation of unfamiliar images. Don't confuse the audience, they say.
So fun stuff like Divayth Fyr, teleportation, Vivec, Barenziah, not gonna happen or extremely Bowdlerised. CHIM, subgradience and mythopoesis are right out, when it comes to a TES film, this is obvious straight from the bat, even tough they are quite fundamental tenets.
This means we are left with a presentation of Daedra that is indistinguishable from demons, magic that is indistinguishable from Harry Potter or a myriad of other bad and lazy depictions and an empire that is unequivocably presented as good.
No thank you.
Sorry to be so pessimistic OP, but I'm old and have seen many dreams shattered and many hopes destroyed. I have seen beautiful, wonderful premises turn out to be poo time and time again due to laziness, greed, lack of vision and fear of going outside the box. Not once, but as a matter of course.
It's just the way of the world and the pessimistic view in this is I'm afraid the most realistic one, based on past experience.
There is just no way it would turn out to be good.
No.. No movies,But please more books!^^ also there is a free elder scrolls comic if anyone is interested
At the very best it would be a pale imitation that unerringly will leave out those little bits that may be obscure but are cherised by many, they will leave out or steamroll over your favorite bit.
At worst, and I never want to see anything like that happen ever again.
I love Earthsea, the people that produced this abomination should be barred from working in entertainment ever again, lo, unto the fourth generation.
Yup would be awesome just like that other awesome movie based on that game...
Wait... awesome movie...
Based on a game?
Yeah.... no.
No need for an TES movie thanks, they never work well and I don't want the franchise ruined.
I doubt you could get a LOTR out of TES.
Might as well be a scientific law.
"A game cannot be made into a movie that humans will enjoy unless those humans enjoy laughing at bad movies."
"You try fitting thousands of hours of beautiful content into a two hour movie, you're gonna have a bad time." and "You try making any game into a movie and you're gonna have a bad time."