Hi forum. I bought CRYSIS 2, typed my keycode and logged in to game... When i want to play this game in multiplayer, it says "Servers finded = 0" what should i do ?? Please help me...
But it doesn't ? I tried to download it from internet but it says "You already have the most recent version (1.4) of Crysis 2 installed on your system." what can i do ? Can you help me friend? (Maybe uploading the patch files?) Thanks for your post.
If you have patched game to 1.4 there should be no problem.
Double check that you dont have selected something in your filters list. Because if you have eg. checked "password protected servers only" then I think you may have no results. Check your filters (there is a button called "filter" or "filters") when You click on it popup will show up and you will be able to narrow down the results of servers list.
OK i patched the Crysis2.exe but now when i starting the game it says "Crysis2.exe has stopped working". When i put an other crack into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32" , game doesn't gives that error... What must i do?
OK i patched the Crysis2.exe but now when i start the game it says "Crysis2.exe has stopped working". When i put an other crack into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis 2\bin32" , game doesn't gives that error... What must i do?
Hmmm okay ArturroK, i have a cracked version but i have a serial! Thank you so much, i am downloading original Crysis 2 and i will report the result of it Thank you again