» Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:49 am
I remember when the pc gamers where taken care of back in the day. Mohaa, Cod1 and when newer versions came out. the developers made sure our servers worked. I hate to say it crytek I wanted you to be the starting of the new beginning for pc gamers, but now I guess we have to wait for DICE to come save us.
Crytek if you are reading this. As a business major in college, I understand that you have an obligation to create a game that has the most profit to your company and the shareholders. However, you are forgetting that us, the pc gamers, are the most hardcoe out of all of the gamers out there. Even DICE admitted this. I am disappointed that the pc gaming community has yet again been forgotten by the industry.
It is most entertaining that you treat us, the costumer, who has bought the game at full price, an experience that not only is sub par to what we have payed for, inadvanced (I might add), but also a seemingly sluggish response to our problems.
If any admin in this forum would love to reply this, I would be delighted.
an angry college student who needs this game to blow off some steam.