Update: Yes this approach worked - a big thank you to both of you.
Turns out I did have the TVM 1 frame before the fatigue to 0 command via an advancing counter, but apparently this was not enough for the game to register the view change.
I added a timer check so that the fatigue loop occurs at 0.4 seconds after the TVM, and it works now - thanks again.
Now Im having some trouble forcing the collapsed player into a precise position and facing - specifically the facing. I know you can SetPos the player whereever you want, but it seems that face does not work on the player. For example, Player -> Face 0,0 does not do anything. Any further help on this issue? Here's my code if it helps:
begin frd_exanimscnshort noLoreshort companionshort countshort OnPCHitMefloat timerfloat MaxHealthfloat CurrentHealthfloat CurrentMajikafloat frdSpotxfloat frdSpotyfloat frdSpotzfloat frdAnglezif ( menumode == 1 ) returnendifset timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )if ( count == 0 ) AiWander 0, 5, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Set count to 1 ForceGreetingendifif ( count == 3 ) ;PCForce3rdPerson Player -> TVM Set timer to 0 AiWander 0, 5, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Set count to 4endifif ( count == 4 ) Player -> Face 0,0 if ( timer > 0.4 ) Player -> SetFatigue 0 endifendifend
Some quick notes about this script:
- It is attached to an NPC
- The AIWander lines are simply to control the animations for this NPC as events progress
- the local variable 'count' advances from 1 to 3 through dialogue activity
- if this script seems small to you, it is because I am replacing this NPC with different models for animation (as events progess) by using the Disable and then Set Delete technique, which is working great. This is also why I have unused variables, I will be using them once I get past these stumbling blocks.
- Currently everything works in this script except the 'Face' line (which is not changing the player's facing).
Thanks again in advance for any help.