I found the settings in Gameplay for different lock levels which I assume controls when a pick breaks, but I cannot seem to create new settings.
Is it possible?
EG, say you have a normal Vanilla Lock Pick and it's made of Iron, but you make a COBJ and a MISC to make steel lock picks which only break, say, 90% as often as a vanilla Iron pick. Can that be done?
I liked the different quality of lockpicks etc in Morrowind and was thinking maybe something could be done in Skyrim, but instead of having a better chance to pick a lock, the better material of the lock picks means that they break less easily.
Then maybe I could make Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Glass and Ebony lock picks, with 90, 80, 70, 60 and 50% less chance of breaking?
It's easy enough to make a recipe, it's the rest of it I am not sure of. Or even if Steel picks will work.