Setting Lockpick Breakage

Post » Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:36 am

I found the settings in Gameplay for different lock levels which I assume controls when a pick breaks, but I cannot seem to create new settings.

Is it possible?

EG, say you have a normal Vanilla Lock Pick and it's made of Iron, but you make a COBJ and a MISC to make steel lock picks which only break, say, 90% as often as a vanilla Iron pick. Can that be done?

I liked the different quality of lockpicks etc in Morrowind and was thinking maybe something could be done in Skyrim, but instead of having a better chance to pick a lock, the better material of the lock picks means that they break less easily.

Then maybe I could make Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Glass and Ebony lock picks, with 90, 80, 70, 60 and 50% less chance of breaking?

It's easy enough to make a recipe, it's the rest of it I am not sure of. Or even if Steel picks will work.



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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:17 pm

Not near my CK at the moment, but might be worth looking into how the skeleton key works. IIRC, that works by being 100% unbreakable, so unless its hardcoded behaviour, you might be able to emulate it somehow?

- Hypno
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:53 pm

There's a perk entry point that can be used to make lockpicks unbreakable (which is used by the Skeleton key). Unfortunately, I don't think it allows % settings though, it seems like an all-or-nothing sort of thing. However, there are a ton of gamesettings that have the phrase "LockPickBreak" in them (we're talking like 20 game settings) - I bet those probably have something to do with how often picks break. If you can decipher how they work, you might be able to use SKSE's gameSetting changer functions to alter the percentage chance that picks will break depending what kind the player currently is using.

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