well for what it sounds like your looking to do shouldn't require mods as the dog and children can not be posed.
But you can also try this.
Select the npc or pet as I mentioned before and then go stand facing the direction and in the place you want them to. next enter "moveto player" in your console command. This moves the npc to the exact spot you are. Turn off their AI with "tai" so they do not wander off. Rinse and repeat until all npcs/pets are in the desired place.
Next put yourself in the picture and take it.
The "moveto player" works much better and quicker then the commands of y and x and all that. No offence Garrus but you cut down the number of steps this way.
I do recommend saving before doing all this and reloading that save when your done.
Oh and of course remove the " when entering tai or moveto player.