I have a relatively simple script that needs to add an actor reference to an alias on two separate running quests using ForceRefTo().
On the script that is to set this actor to the aliases in question I have two properties, both linked up properly (triple checked) to their respective alias. One points to alias 1 on quest 1, the other alias 1 on quest 2. Simple.
I have a simple bit of script that does the job:
ReferenceAlias Property Q1A1 autoReferenceAlias Property Q2A1 auto...Actor Temp = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceActorAtMe(SomeActorBase)...while Q1A1.GetActorRef() != Temp Q2A1.ForceRefTo(Temp) Q1A1.ForceRefTo(Temp)endwhile
Now, here is the screwy bit: The alias for Q1A1 gets set, however the alias for Q2A1 doesn't. I've tried everything from setting a separate while for forcing both aliases, enabling "allow disabled/dead" on both quests, even tried "allow reuse in quest" even though it is two separate quests, and many other things but nothing seems to work. Both quests are start game enabled and allow repeat stages.
I have absolutely no idea why it refuses to work.