How do I insert a new anim correctly into the list that is only affected by its own conditions?
In case it is needed, here is the script I use:
scn PTAHeartQuestScriptfloat timershort doneref PTAHQuestReffloat fquestdelaytimebegin gamemodeset timer to timer - getsecondspassedif done == 0PTAHQuestRef.setav aggression 0PTAHQuestRef.resurrect 1PTAHQuestRef.additem PTAAnimToken 1PTAHQuestRef.setghost 1set done to 1endifif PTAHQuestRef.isidleplaying == 0 if done == 1 PTAHQuestRef.pickidle set timer to 15.25 set done to 2 endifendifif done == 2 if timer < 0 PTAHQuestRef.setghost 0 PTARef01.moveto PTAHQuestRef, 0, 0, 16 PTARef02.moveto PTAHQuestRef, 0, 0, 0 PTARef01.cast PTApoSpell PTARef02 PTARef01.moveto PTMBallRefMarker PTARef02.moveto PTMBallRefMarker PTAHQuestRef.kill PTAHQuestRef.removeitem PTAAnimToken 1 set done to 0 stopquest PTAHeartQuest endifendifend
EDIT: I checked 'Actors in Charge' and the animations in there are directly first in the list, yet the RaceMenuAnims section (which is second) is not marked as changed. That is what I want. But how?