I am trying to create my own static book displays by joining multiple books together in Nifscope ready for easy placement on a shelf in the CK. But I am getting an error in Nifscope....
When I open a vanilla book in Nifscope I see these yellow and blue circles, that is the animation yes? I can safely remove that by removing that Branch?.....
I have Book One open in one Nifscope and Book Two open in another. I know that I need to go to Block/Copy Branch the NiTriShape from Book Two to Book One. However there are three NiTriShape that make up each book, obviously I need them all.
So I 'Copy Branch' of one and when I go to the BSFhadeNode of Book One and try to 'Paste Branch' I get this error.....
Hopefully I am explaining my issue clearly, I have no trouble with meshes with just one NiTriShape to copy paste to another mesh, but books and any mesh made up of multiple parts is giving me problems and I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.