Settlement Camera

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:22 pm

Whoever thought this building camera was a good idea, really only experienced the horror of it for two seconds. Because trying to snap things where they clearly fit is a nightmare.

And why so many open spaces?

Why are they floating?

And how come, in camera mode, I am not allowed a free mode, to go outside of my character, who gets stuck on chairs and beds, which also have issues with snapping.


Couldn't we have an Eyebot builder, so its easier to float around more freely. Kind of like when Halo 3 and them allowed you to build maps. You weren't a Spartan building, you had a free camera that let you swing around the map and be above your building. And have easier movement and control.

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:58 pm

Most of the time you can use the mouse wheel to "push" the footprint object you're "holding" farther or closer away, but sometimes it glitches/doesn't work for some reason.

The field-of-view in construction mode is terrible, tho, I agree.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:37 pm

I am on the PS4, not the PC. So a mouse isn't going to help me, lol.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:57 pm

Because the settlement building is not the main part of the game? I would imagen it be quite a lengthy mess working the engine so you could alternate between a free floaty build mode and the normal 1st/3rd person character controlling mode.

You can do the same by holding down X and use the left stick.
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maya papps
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:10 pm


However, I disagree.

Because the only reason why some Perks are even useful is because they are used to building towards Settlements and or are used to making weapons, armor, or chems.

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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:51 am

And like the settlement themselves, those perks are optional, just because something is in a game doesn't mean ya have to use it.
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trisha punch
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:12 pm

What do you mean by 'settlement camera?' Is there something that I've not discovered here yet?

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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:17 pm

Considering how much they hyped up the settlement/building process, including an entire faction/radiant quest system around it - even if it is optional - I would say I'd consider it to be part of the main game.

edit: typos
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An Lor
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:33 pm

I haven't much. The only one I have used the Settlement for building is Sanctuary Hills, because it's the only settlement I own and for continuity, I had to make sure that the settlement had everything they needed or I look like a complete and total ass.

Lady Crimson is correct too, the Minutemen are solely based on building Settlements, for the people. Thus.....kind of important to have a functioning system.

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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:03 am

And to a intent and purpose it is functional, not super great, but again, thats not what the games mainly for, that's what games like Minecraft for.
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