Hi all, I've searched if this sort of thread is already on the forum but cant seem to find anything (maybe I svck at searching).
I was hoping to get a thread going about each players opinions on the settlement system and to possibly create various solutions (possibly via updates or DLC) for its future. I'd also like to gauge the player bases opinions as to whether or not this feature should see further implementation in all future Bethesda RPGs.
So have at it!
Sorry for adding loads of questions!
Gonna add some ideas suggested in the thread so far (Just a heads up these arent my ideas)...
Core Mechanics/Tweaks:
-Add possible physics-based build-mode toggle.
-Add skirting textures which go into the ground to avoid floating items.
-AI Improvements/NPC Spawns (Like not ending up ontop of roofs).
-Auto-assign idle settlers to any job, not just farming.
-Breakdown Junk mechanics.
-Build items in batches instead of individually.
-Cleansing tools (Scrap scrubs and dead bodies).
-Clear All functions attached to Workbenches to auto-remove everything, or all of a specific item, in the Settlement.
-Clearer instructions from Bethesda in how to deal with Settlements.
-Easier way to deal with Provisioners.
-Easier way to identify settler jobs/activities and their stats/preferences.
-Level 4 Vendors are glitchy and need fixing.
-Provisioners names stay as Provisioner even after re-assigning, needs fixing.
-Ring bell option for unassigned settlers only.
-Terminal/Pipboy Management Tools for all settlements.
-Toggle on/off auto-attach + add angles for auto-attach.
-Toggle on/off collision for items (to allow items to overlap).
-Zoom in/out further to better see object placement. Possibly include overhead Camera view for easier construction.
Immersion Tweaks/Additions:
-Adding Time Lapses to construction of certain items.
-More settler face variations.
-Names for settlers using random generators.
-Settler AI needs to be aware of surroundings and weather and react accordingly. Like going indoors during Radiation Storms.
-Settler behaviours should be added to make them unique and memorable.
-Settler variations dependent on Faction (e.g. Synths as settlers if Railroad friendly).
-Settler visual appearances depending on settlement, such as excess water resulting in cleaner faces.
-Story-elements added to settlers and settlements for every settlement.
-Wastelanders & Caravans visiting your settlements and trading with your locals.
Settlement Tweaks:
-Add Assignable Power Armour for settlers, raising that settlers happiness, and raising settlement defence values.
-Allow players to delay setting up a settlement and possibly outright refuse setting one up.
-Defence calculations modified according to placement of certain things.
-Fallout Shelter-like control system for Settlements.
-Further assignment of settlement resources to specific settlers such as furniture, allowing 'homes' for settlers essentially.
-Gates should not be opened by anyone, possibly include a gate-keeper'esque role for settlers.
-Increase the size of the smaller Settlements.
-Mark items/furniture for yourself so that they cannot be used by settlers.
-Raise Settlement Item Limit.
-Repair pre-existing buildings such as the Taffington Boathouse.
Requested Items:
-Alternatives to scavanging station which is more direct in what it brings in, e.g. Manufactories for steady supply of screws, springs, etc.
-Add Stretchable Bridges/Ropes similar to the wires.
-Crop plots using fertilizer, allowing you to plant crops in more urban settlement areas.
-Faction specific items (BoS walls).
-Local Leader Perk extension (Lvl3?) to Include transfer of Armours, Weapons and Aids to other workbenches.
-Posters and more decorations for walls.
-Preston Radiant Quests should be requested, not given.
-Refuge Point Item which directs settlers to an area when the settlement is under attack.
-More doorway variations.
-More wall variations.
-Non-junk aesthetic items, such as pre-war walls, or at least cleaner walls.
-Sinks to complete the Bathroom set.
-Support Poles.
Radiant Quest/Settlement Attack Related Tweaks/Additions:
-Attacks need to be re-worked to take place in phases (Scouting, Bombarding, Advancing, Attack).
-Delegation of tasks related to the Radiant Quests instead of having to do them directly.
-Easier way to deal with attacks which do not require that you are present.
-Ghoul invasions need to be closer to the Settlement, can otherwise result in uncompletable quest.
-Kidnapping tweaks: Less kidnappings, more mystery associated with them to make them interesting; paying kidnappers should potentially result in the death of the abducted; integrate mechanics relevant to the kidnapping faction to make each case feel more unique.
-More Logical attack force, IE no more group of 3 or so Raiders in basic armour attacking but sizeable forces relevant to your defence level (with less frequent attacks as a result of higher defence).
-Pre-emptive attacks on potential attackers, reducing the frequency of defence missions.
-Raiders take over Settlements.
-Spawn locations for enemies need to be more logical.
-Tie attack location to attacking faction (Raiders attack high-income settlements, Gunners strategically positioned, etc.).
-Time sensitive missions need to be more prominently displayed on the HUD.
Novel Additions:
-Auto-buff tools for your settlers, like weapon/armour racks which they can borrow from and use in defensive scenarios.
-Add stats/preferences to settlers.
-Craftable mailboxes where any stored item is available from any other mailbox in other settlements.
-Develop certain settlements into full-quest hubs with interesting NPCs that are attracted to it.
-Dye/Paint Stations to personalise items and settlement colours.
-Guard mechanics expansion to include patrol routes.
-More Minutemen Control and Admin-type features (A create and control an army type add-on).
-Rank system and addition of administrators for settlements, with functions such as increased settler output.
-Settler controls, such as tracking chips. Possibly Vault-like experiments on own settlers.
-Settlers to add and build their own additions to the settlement via a policy-making element.
-Take the underpowered perks and give them settlement buffs/items. E.g. Robotics Expert giving you robots?
-Training mechanics for settlers to make them proficient at certain tasks. E.g. sending settlers to train at the Castle to become Minutemen.
-Tweak store mechanics so they have a more relevant effects on your settlement, e.g. Clinics preventing disease outbreaks.
-Unique Settlement Resources.
For Future Games (TES?):
-Create an alliance mechanic in place of an outright 'I am the leader' mechanic.
-Less but more unique settlements where your role makes sense.
-Tie the settlements into the main questline as an alternative pathway through buffer zone/ceasefire mechanics.
Requested Settlements:
-Vault 111