OK so I've just finished and turned in to missions for the Railroad. When I get the (way to brief) pop-up to defend Tenpines Bluff.
I pretty much drop everything and head outside, hoofing it. I'm not even passed Bunker Hill about 2-3 minutes into my journey when I get the Failed, pop-up. WTF?
So I re-load as I make it a habit to quick-save right after I get a defend settlement X quest.
This time I fast travel... (urgh I still feel dirty, I hate fast travelling.)
So a bunch of Synths have spawned and are all pretty much standing huddled up together inside the settlement, fight lasts 5 seconds.
But the quest never resolves. I skirt the perimeter to scout for stragglers, but there are no enemies left. The quest auto-fails if I stray too far from Tenpines Buff.. so what gives?
Has anyone else run in to this problem? What's the solution? Just let it fail and move on? Even tough I didn't fail at al? (well the game forced me to use fast travel, so that's a failure right there)