Would be really nice if we get a Function like that. It is sometimes frustrating to make Settlements.
Would be really nice if we get a Function like that. It is sometimes frustrating to make Settlements.
You actually sort of have this already, but not so much for fences by themselves.
(Anything you mount on a foundation moves with that foundation, and ignores clipping during that process.)
Place the junk fence on top of a small floorboard or carpet, then use the smaller item to "cart" the fence segment into place. The game will only concern itself with the smaller object's hit box, allowing the fence to clip into or through other objects.
A couple things to note, though: it doesn't work with all objects- normal walls & fences, floors, and anything else that "snap-fits" into place won't work. Neither will junk fence doorways for some reason (junk gate is ok).
Also, the object being manipulated may jump upward or downward by up to a foot when the "cart" object is removed, so watch out.
This technique is über-useful when building town walls and placing furniture (no, game, the couch is going THERE. Eat it, hitbox. Ha.)
storing my door to get inside bc i'm too lazy to exit build mode
I dont want 2 or 3 Special Moves to make some Objects with no Colision,. I want a normal on/off Function from Bethesda. I have waste already enough Time for some Structures. A Collision Detection Function isnt even that Difficult.
For PC users you can use the consul to turn collisions off.
When in the build mode open the consul and type in tcl then hit enter. You should then see the message "collisions off", close the consul.
Pick up the object you want to collide with (E) and then drop it straight away (Tab). You can now pick up what you wanted to move and collide it into the object you first picked up and dropped, once you are happy with the position just hit E as normal to build and there you go.
Once you have positioned the object you will need to go back into the consul, type tcl again, hit enter and this time you will see "collisions on" come up in the consul, then close the consul, job done.
It's a little more time consuming than the other method but I have yet to come across anything it does not work with.
Also the snapping is equally as annoying. If you want an example of how much, just build a display shelf and try to put items on it in workshop mode and keep a box of tissues handy when you start weeping uncontrollably. Not only that but if by some miracle you do manage to place something on them where you want, You might need a new console/PC after you return to see them sinking through the display case!
And btw, this Function is also for the Console Players. They cant use the Ingame Console.
Maybe i just want life in the already existent Houses and i just want to close the Windows and others Holes. Everything is just red. But none NPC would go that Way so why i cant just Place it. Thats why i want this Function. Buildings Things everywhere i want. Whats the matter not to have the Choice for that? There is absolutley no Reason, and + this will makes the Communtiy happier and they will enjpoy longer this Game.