Its official, I hate the building system.
1) No chance to clear/restore completely a Building Zone (Im still making building experiments in Sanctuary).
- You cant scrap ALL the buildings
- You cant remove grass
- You cant remove that d..n grass-walls
- You cant repair not-scrapable buildings
- You cant repair streets, or bridges, etc.
- In general, you cant completely clean buildings (I have a scheleton in 1 house I cant remove for ex) & streets & gardens
- The Building Zone itself... Well, for me in Sanctuary you should be able to modifiy the whole little isle, and not just a part of it. For me, boundaries should be till the other side of river.
2) Building modules:
- Too many
- Too ugly! I can build a settlment from 0, why I should have to build huts with holes instead of decent lloking houses?!?
- For me just 1 size ("big") should be
- Some features are missing as inner walls, inners doors, inner columns.
- Sinks?!? Ok, said yet, but why you cant build sinks? The first thing to have to drink some water?
- Damn, really no snap system on scrapped houses to align building modules?!?
My project:
I was trying to build a large house (the first one, a comunity house where the first settlers could find beds, and all the necessary to start).
The "blueprint" was a 5x5 floors base, with an extension on front with a patio (using big floor) and a hole in the middle od 5x5 (as an old roman house) but
1. you cant build a patio using a floor and roof with the curtain for ex. There arent placeable columns! And have a roof mid-air suspended...
2. existing patios (the small ones) have no option to be open. They have all a fence that stop you to access the patio. So no front access.
3. You could build a patio, but there isnt the option I would like with courtain roof.
4. In any case, a patio means no walls and no doors.
5. No windows. Really, no options for wall with windows?!?
Conclusion: for me there are a lot of options, but with too many limitations. It kills creativity, in my opinion.
Less modules but more modular. Ex wood structures:
- 1 floor module its sufficient (as the big ones)
- roof modules. diffirent stiles are welcome. Ex: flat, sloping, fabric slop...
- ext walls. 1 kind of module is sufficient, but with options: closed wall, wall small door, wall large (2x) door, ext door with window (2 or 3 sizes?)
- INT walls. As before with options for small or large windows. Option: curtains to use as inner walls.
- COLUMNS. So I can place poles where I want inside my house.
Nice to have even:
- working wcs, working baths, working SINKS + working showers?!? (+ happyness!)
About water in settlements, for ex in Sanctuary it should work in this way, in my opinion:
1. You should find the damaged clear water pipe
2. remove (scrap) the damaged part
3. add new pipes to connect the pipe to bring water to Sanctuary to
4. the purifier placed on the river
5. build water tanks to collect clear water for all the settlement.
6. new ittem: water mill, + open pipes could be necessary to irrigate fields. Irrigating fields with purified water could help to have new green grass and better crops.
I know its too late for all this, but maybe in Fallout 5...