Lately I've been really annoyed with the happiness levels in this game. One week, my settlement in Sanctuary had reached a peak of 95 happiness, not too far away from getting that achievement which is what I was going for, but lately, it just seems to keep dropping. As of typing this post it is at an all time low of 37 happiness, and I'm pretty sure next time I check it'll dip lower.
My stats:
21 people
42 food
64 water
164 defense
24 beds
I also have a lot of paintings, flags, statues, etc. This worked in raising my happiness before it just suddenly started dropping. Is there something I'm missing that is causing this major drop? I've talked to my settlers, and they just say, "Same old, same old," or "Nothing much, pretty quiet." And yet I can't seem to do anything right. Anyone with any suggestions would be of great help, as I really do want to know why this is suddenly happening and I also want that achievement.
Thank you.