Settlement Ideas

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:56 am

Well from the trailer we do see a multi-tiered settlement!

Watch from 2:22 to 2:43! Those are examples of the settlements you can make...

From what we can see, the mechanics may allow that idea of yours to happen.

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Joanne Crump
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:13 pm

I think that may indicate that you can build up, in the least.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:25 am

The only thing that we now need to know is whether or not the engine would allow us to build basemants/underground...

It's not quite possible, but if it's really feasible... Hehehehe

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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:39 am

My will not be anything elaborate. Incidentally, it must be simple. Some crops, a defensive system, some traders and I'm ready.

Now, one thing will be mandatory in all of them.

You see it?

Well, its something like this, but no Megaman Vault Boy. Instead, this sign will follow a pattern. In this order:

1) Name of the settlemen

2) Mayor: [my char name]

3) Population = x habitants

4) This line will list the types of facilities in the settlement. Clinic, bar, brothel, shops etc.

5) Warning: No junkys, beggars and parasites

6) Warning: Criminals will be shot on sight

7) Warning: Visitors must leave their guns at the entrance

This last part is only for roleplay purposes. I doubt it is possible to establish rules.

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:20 am

Very true. I'll be able to achieve it to a certain degree, that much I know. What I want to do is build a city that could put New Vegas to shame. Will I be able to do that? Who knows. It all depends on the maximum horizontal and vertical area Bethesda will allow me to build. If there's an insanely large upper limit on either of those, then it'll be possible. If not, perhaps I can add on to existing buildings in Boston, or something.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:15 am

Unfortunately though there is that size meter in the building mode :(

It means that we can't build the city that we all wanted to, just a series of settlements of small to moderate size... *sigh*

However, your idea of adding you settlement into an existing Boston building or something is interesting. I do really hope that there is a site that allows that to be possible, like in the downtown or something...

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The Time Car
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:09 pm

Hmm...there is a size limit...I'm already thinking of ways of trying to cheat that. Maybe if you're allowed to make more than one town figure out a way to physically connect two towns in close vicinity to one another?
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:45 am

Well, if it means connecting them through trade, it's already been said possible...

Physically? Let's just hope Bethesda allows us to build a giant, long platform or more plausibly, an underground tunnel system that connects our settlements XD

Sadly, the possibilities are slim though :( But as I always said to myself, let's just see what'll happen!

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:48 am

I'm just imagining a really long pipe extending from one town, and at the other end of it it's just supporting a small city XD
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:42 am

I'm thinking it won't be too long before a mod is able to extend the size limit.

I know people have added hundreds of new locations on the map through mods, but I'm trying to think if anyone has every added to the map. If so it may be possibile to add a relatively flat and empty square kilometer ad have it all tagged as buildable so that players can go crazy creating the city of their dreams.

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:59 am

Yup, mods will always cure what's lacking...

But wouldn't it better if the vanilla game even allow us to do that? That would be better!

Well that's just me being optimistic though...

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Kelly John
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:16 am

I'd like to make a settlement that takes on the perscuted/misunderstood, such as ghouls/ mutants etc. They deserve a place where they can call their own.

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lydia nekongo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:47 am

Your sentiments, fortunately, are shared by me and some others who have posted in this thread previously!

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:42 am

I was thinking exactly along these lines. Would be a good challenge to recreate this iconic settlement

The only catch is that it would need building textures & elements/objects from the Pre War set.
Vault city was reknown for being the lucky vault that got to rebuild Pre War civilization 100%

Based on the trailer, I'm hoping we can recreate a vault city that has the sustainability & eye candy impact of Alexandria on The Walking Dead.

But This can only visually work if Beth remembers to include pre war textures. 馃槼. That didn't seem to be the case based on the shanty town textures in Todd's demo
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:44 am

Haha. This is a done deal

TTW is living proof of this. TTW added FO3 & all of its DLCs as one super DLC to New Vegas. Lol

And TES gamers already know this from several dev quality world mods like Falskaar & Moonpath to Elsweyr. And don't forget the Skywind project which is a WIP. Beth's commitment to the TES modding community is what made those incredible mods possible. So I don't expect anything different for Fallout 馃槣

With Todd Howard driving FO4, ANYTHING is feasible IMO
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:53 pm

Couple of thoughts on settlements...

* Can we salvage components out in the wild (he was shown deconstructing stuff IN the housing area) and if we DO, do we then have to haul around hundreds of planks and concrete blocks on our back, or are those materials just "marked" for use in construction? Because clearly if you can just click and BOOM, a wall section gets put up, you're clearly not manually moving every plank and hammering every nail. I'd hate to think I had to run back to town to store my "salvage" in some special bin every time I collected X pounds of salvaged materials.

* At what point / size of settlement do raiders become an issue? I suppose the best answer is to START by building fortifications so that you're ready for the raiders BEFORE they show up. I just dread the idea of spending a lot of time making a very friendly, productive settlement only to discover that by the time I decide to get around to making defenses, the raiders have swept through and torched the place. :P

* Underground - would love underground bases or even just rooms... connected by concrete tunnels maybe.

* Yard Care - in almost every shot, the walls were the dingy, rusty sheet metal we see everywhere, and while I can understand that that's what they have to work with... it would also be nice if you could get more modern or clean components (a higher ranks of Local Leader, for example). And for heaven's sake, someone mow the lawns! Every shot had brown weeds and broken concrete everywhere!

* Iterative Settlement - I imagine it won't be possible to START your settlement with generators and plasma turrets and steel walls... so we'll almost surely have to iterate our settlement, improving it as we learn new ranks of Science! or gather more copper wires and such. As such, I imagine I'll be tearing down buildings and rebuilding them a lot over time.

* Locations - while I imagine most of the settlements will be in open areas far from OTHER pre-existing settlements, it would be great if they had a variety of locations. Like, hilltops, areas with streams running nearby (or through), mountainous areas (would be neat to have a settlement hanging off a cliff face!)... and in particulary, on top of devastated old-world cities. Like, imagine if you could "occupy" one of the Power Stations and build a city around that? Solid concrete and steel construction, those bunkers were.

Going to be sinking a LOT of time into this aspect of the game, I imagine. I just hope that the STORY isn't such that I feel a time constraint. Like, I don't want to have to wonder why my character is screwing around with building a mess hall for these strangers when my vitally important mission is in DIRE need of being completed.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:51 am


Don't be silly.....


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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:06 pm

Lots of good ideas... More than a couple though -w-' but who cares? They are good points

Your ideas about the iterative settlement is logical. Rome was not built in one day! It really bugged me in the demo that the player seems to be able to build everything from the start up (unless this is done by setting the skills beforehand) I bet Bethesda is going to let you build more things for your settlement after you unlocked more perks/advance in skill/local leader rank...

As far as I can say, scavenging from the wild is possible! In the E3 crafting demo, Todd shows that one of the material in building a scope for your weapon is steel that you can obtain from some items. Steel is also required in some construction! It means that they are mutually inclusive, and could be used both for crafting and settlement construction

About the raiders: when will you think the raiders will start appearing? I'll bet they'll start appearing when you got some trade going on e.g. some traders set up stands... How about you? When do you think they will come?

And for the location and underground ideas, you are in line with others who have posted beforehand!

P.S. just a little bit of constructive criticising: could you please go easy on caps? ^^''' I know caps is excellent for emphasising points, but some may see it as... You know... A bit eye gouging -w-' No offense though! It's your style

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kat no x
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:06 am

I'm gonna have to use console commands to get those "best items" from settlements, as I don't really wanna sim it up.

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Karine laverre
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:07 pm

My main concern is whether we can beautify our structures (paint our walls, roll out carpets, CLEAN UP, etc). I always had this complaint about the previous Fallout games. No one picked up the rubble and tidied up their settlements. No one wiped their windows. IT was all dusty, dirty, and rubble everywhere.

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:13 pm

I'm thinking of something Akin to Taris and it's three-layers. The bottom Layer is where all the peasants and serfs dwell, Farm and other such stuff. The middle layer will be more trade centered, inviting people from the wastes to stay around and spend their caps, or for the higher-end people to live in. The Top layer is mine, where I store all my precious stuff and take the day off or whatever. Or I could accomplish the same Idea with Rings. I won't know until I see the game.

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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:25 pm

I want to start small: A small hidden house, and workshop to make and stockpile weapons in. Once I am equipped enough to expand, I will start building a settlement in a different location, setting up Trading posts, settlements, caravans, the whole 9 yards.Thus forming the NSAC (Nova Scotian Arms Co.) But simple weapons trading won't be enough forever. Once I get to a certain point I will kick operations into High gear: Mercenary work, "Protection" services, Drug production and trafficing, targetting competitors, and more.

Towns and buisnesses will be given the ultimatum of chosing the NSAC as their proprietary buisness partners or an inevitable doom. Those that refuse are captured, or slaughtered on the spot, publicly excecuted, or sent to the pits where they fight to the death to send a message to the others.

Once I have all that wealth and power, I will rule with an Iron fist from My Tower complex.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:16 am

Base game sure, but modded in it should be very possible. As those textures exist in the opening bit of the game.

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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:33 am

Still wondering how the mechanics of this work

Do the scavenged materials add weight to your inventory? Hard to believe this is the case since you can salvage several hundred pounds of concrete, wood, rubber etc with one demolish mouse click

Hoping this script uses some sort of inventory sorter. Like in the container of the nearest workbench in the vicinity which tidily stores your salvaged clutter for later use

If not, there should be an inventory weight penalty. Would make saluaging construction junk materials on the fly while exploring & questing the wasteland a fun, strategic mini game in itself. Mods like backpack, motorbike and drive able car mods from Fo3 & FONV would be even more immersive to play since they can carry more weight

And don't forget the fully functional vertibirds which are the Brahmin upgrade of a land vehicle taxi. We can now apparently call these by marking a spot with a flare gun
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:19 am

I know, it's just that for my first playthrough I actually enjoy playing on console, vanilla, with no mods. I'm the kind of guy that enjoys using everything available to me. The allure of opening up a console window and dropping tens of thousands of mininukes on the wasteland all at once is just too great for me.
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