Couple of thoughts on settlements...
* Can we salvage components out in the wild (he was shown deconstructing stuff IN the housing area) and if we DO, do we then have to haul around hundreds of planks and concrete blocks on our back, or are those materials just "marked" for use in construction? Because clearly if you can just click and BOOM, a wall section gets put up, you're clearly not manually moving every plank and hammering every nail. I'd hate to think I had to run back to town to store my "salvage" in some special bin every time I collected X pounds of salvaged materials.
* At what point / size of settlement do raiders become an issue? I suppose the best answer is to START by building fortifications so that you're ready for the raiders BEFORE they show up. I just dread the idea of spending a lot of time making a very friendly, productive settlement only to discover that by the time I decide to get around to making defenses, the raiders have swept through and torched the place. 
* Underground - would love underground bases or even just rooms... connected by concrete tunnels maybe.
* Yard Care - in almost every shot, the walls were the dingy, rusty sheet metal we see everywhere, and while I can understand that that's what they have to work with... it would also be nice if you could get more modern or clean components (a higher ranks of Local Leader, for example). And for heaven's sake, someone mow the lawns! Every shot had brown weeds and broken concrete everywhere!
* Iterative Settlement - I imagine it won't be possible to START your settlement with generators and plasma turrets and steel walls... so we'll almost surely have to iterate our settlement, improving it as we learn new ranks of Science! or gather more copper wires and such. As such, I imagine I'll be tearing down buildings and rebuilding them a lot over time.
* Locations - while I imagine most of the settlements will be in open areas far from OTHER pre-existing settlements, it would be great if they had a variety of locations. Like, hilltops, areas with streams running nearby (or through), mountainous areas (would be neat to have a settlement hanging off a cliff face!)... and in particulary, on top of devastated old-world cities. Like, imagine if you could "occupy" one of the Power Stations and build a city around that? Solid concrete and steel construction, those bunkers were.
Going to be sinking a LOT of time into this aspect of the game, I imagine. I just hope that the STORY isn't such that I feel a time constraint. Like, I don't want to have to wonder why my character is screwing around with building a mess hall for these strangers when my vitally important mission is in DIRE need of being completed.