settlement maximum items questions

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:31 pm

sorry if already asked and answered

how does the size limit work? as in what counts and what doesnt?

for example i ran out of items last night in sanctuary ("you cannot place any more") i was trying to build a light bulb when this happened, so i scrapped a mail box to just place that but even though i scrapped an item i couldnt place another. so im guessing mailboxes dont count?

so what counts and what doesnt?

i have left a fair few trees and picket fences and other stuuf like the park benches and playground etc etc purely for the aesthetics but yeah might have to get rid so can finish my town plan (im no where near done :( ) but want to n\know what counts before i remove un-replacable stuff to find out it doesnt count

also how is this worked out? do larger models count for more space or is it 1:1? eg do the large power pylons count for more than the small ones? or do they both count the same amount towards the limit?

also do wires count?

also bonus question lol. criticals, i still havent worked that out? as far as it seems the only critical is the manual execute one?

normally better criticals would be a no brainer in the previous fallout games, all of them, but im unsure if its worth it in 4 especially considering i generally forget about it, but i just found a chem last night i think was called "overdrive' not sure but anyway that gives a +25% critical chance

so is there the normal random criticals? same as previous games? as it would be pointless item if there were oly manual crits??

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kevin ball
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:40 am

I had the same problem with the majority of my settlements so i got the mod to increase your settlement size thing, basically it resets it to zero, only major issue is you need to have some space left in your settlement size for it to work and reset properly.

There are guides on the page about changing your ini file and such to allow for the mods to be used.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:14 pm

sorry i should have said im on xbox one

thanks anyways :)

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Ian White
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:59 pm

yeah that one i can not help you with :P

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:55 pm

Size limit works probably on triangle count. There is likely limit of triangles Fallout engine is allowed to draw inside one game cell at given time.

Default objects already in cell most likely count to the total so scraping things in your settlement you don't need should free space for more of your creations.

Btw. increasing this limit through mods can cause your game to crash. So be careful.

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:16 pm

yeah thats how i figured it would work (actually thought polygons though) but what realled stumped me is when i scrapped that mail box which would have higher triangle count yet i couldnt place a tiny wee light bulb after i did?

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Wane Peters
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:01 pm

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:35 pm

great thanks for that!

so its a bug but atleast now i can get some more decorating on hehe

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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:20 pm

Everything in 3D computer graphic is rendered using triangles so your polygons are almost certainly triangles ;)

Depending how round designers wanted to have that bulb, it may be pretty high on triangles. In comparison, mail box is made of nice big flat surfaces and thus can have fewer triangles then you would expect. Size itself is irrelevant here. Complexity of shape is and round shapes are most demanding.

That said, I don't know how exactly settlement limit works. What I wrote is just common principle. Therefore save often and experiment ;)

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:38 pm

Some people have mentioned you can 'cheat' the size down by bringing in items from outside. The 'size' measurement is pretty arbitrary, it's just counting what you add, and subtracting what you remove. Thus, if you bring in a whole lot of armour and weapons, drop 'em on the ground, and scrap 'em using the workshop, it will lower your settlement complexity even further (it was never increased from dropping them).

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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:46 pm

Sorry but that's not bug, that's exploit and dangerous at that. Settlement limit works exactly as expected. When you bring objects in to the cell where your settlement is and scrap them, you are cheating engine to believe you decreased number of objects in the cell by default, but you did not. That might be something developers have overlooked but exploiting you may make engine do something it is not expected to do and you can have your game crash.

When developers set that limit, they did it for a reason. And if you don't know exactly how it works, which so far nobody except developers does as far as I know, you can simply do something they tried to prevent you from doing because engine or hardware can't handle it.

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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:35 pm

No, it will not lower your settlement complexity. You will just make engine believe it did. Which is why you better avoid it. It may work or it may also crash your game.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:26 pm

interesting about complexity as i would say that town with museum of freedom in it (cant remember it at moment) and say lexington surely have far far far more complexity in their cell counts? both in buildings and items both lootable and static, and of course the ruined building surely would have a much higher triangle count? in comparison to sanctuary, at max limit that im at now its still tiny compared to those areas?

or does it not work like that?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:50 pm

Look can be misleading. I did some 3D modeling and my guess is that houses in Sanctuary, which are all made including interiors are pretty heavy on polygon count. Size itself is irrelevant. Shape is all that matters. Huge square wall can be made of 2 triangles and then have texture with bumping, detail mapping and other effects put on it to make it look heavy on detail. On the other hand you can have small tubular pillion which may look simple but easily have 5-10 times more triangles.

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