Each time I tear it back down I 'store' the item in the 'workshop'
So here I am in sanctuary I build a pub/hotel sort of thing, and then decide I wanna move to red rocket.
Here's the thing, I had a mirrored ball ( disco ball) in that pub and 'stored' it once I tore it down!
Now I'm at red rocket and the disco ball is not an option as I don't have enough copper.
I was under the impression that things stored in the workshop were able to be 're-used ' later at your leisure, but this doesn't seem to be happening for me.
Also on the wooden walls, when you select them there is a value in brackets, yesterday In the brackets it showed (187) Today when builibg at red rocket after storing everything (72) What is that about?
If my things are stored why can't I access them?!
Is this a bug?
TLDR - Items I'm storing in wokshop are seemingly unable to be used later for me!
Thank you for reading!