I tried Googling it, but all I get is maximum people allowed in a settlement. What I would like to know is how many can we have? I read we have 30 options. So I thought that would be we can build 30 settlements. Now I read we can only have 3 now.
So does this mean I can only have Sanctuary, Red Rocket and the Star Lite Drive in and can't make no more settlements? They are the first 3 I saw, so started them, does that mean I can't do no more? If true, how to I unsettle them so I can make more?
Right now, I started a new game so only have Sanctuary with the Settlers you get at a beginning of a quest (I think we all know but won't spoil it for others who don't know) and Red Rocket for myself. Basically it's a home with nobody else there but my trusted Dogmeat. So does this mean I have to choose carefully for my last one?
Or I can use all the settlement options for homes, but doesn't become a settlement until I put a settler there? How does the game consider what a settlement is?
TL;DR How many settlements can we have total and what is considered a settlement?